编辑: 人间点评 | 2019-07-02 |
nervous system [2]. BDNF supports survival and differen- tiation of embryonic neurons and controls various neural processes in adulthood, including memory and learning [3], depression [4], and drug addiction [5]. Alterations in BDNF expression can contribute to serious pathologies such as epilepsy, Huntington, Alzheimer'
s, and Parkin- son'
s disease [6]. Alteration in BDNF expression is associ- ated with unfavorable prognosis in neuroblastoma [7], myeloma [8], hepatocellular carcinoma [9] and other tumors [10]. Apart from brain, expression of alternative BDNF transcripts has been detected in a variety of tissues (such as heart, muscle, testis, thymus, lung, etc.) [11,12]. Numerous studies have been conducted to unravel the regulation of BDNF expression in rodents and human. Data on the structure of human [11] and rodent [12]BDNF gene have been recently updated. Nevertheless, lit........