编辑: Cerise银子 | 2019-07-02 |
s application age is from
2 weeks to
85 years old. Specified by China Insurance Regulatory Commission, the death benefit limit for person under
18 years old is RMB 100,000. For any Insured person at the age exceed
71 years old(including
71 years old), half of the Maximum Limit for death and dismemberment benefits and medical reimbursement benefit applies. This insurance shall provide a 24-hour travel insurance for the insured persons as stated in this policy schedule, which covers travels to the countries and areas including but not limited to U.S.A., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Province and all Schengen countries including but not limited to Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, German, Iceland, Italy, Greece, Luxemburg, Holland, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuanian, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Latvia, Principality of Liechtenstein and Malta. If Policyholder purchased several accidental death, dismemberments insurance policies, sickness death or critical illness insurance policies (exclude: group insurance)from the Company through different channels for any one Insured Person, the Company shall only pay indemnity according to the Policy with the highest amount of Sum Insured. Exception for Overseas work visa. * 签证拒签补偿的保险期间为投保后次日凌晨00:00起至被保险人实际出行前一天的23:59:59止;
非一年期保单最长承保时间不超过60天. The policy(visa refused compensation) should be effected from 00:00:00 a.m.one day after the enrollment to 23:59:59 one day before the departure date.The maximum coverage period for the policy will be
60 days. * 本产品仅承保一次签证拒签的签证费用. The policy will cover only one visa application fee in case of refusal. * 按中国保监会规定,10周岁(不含)以下的未成年人累计身故保险金额不得超过人民币20万元;
10至17周岁的未成年人累计身故保险金额不得超过人民币50万元.若未成年被保险人的累计身故保险金额超 过上述规定,则以上述规定的保险金额为限. In accordance with the regulations,the aggregated indemnity for accidental death shall neither exceed RMB200,000 for insured person below the age of
10 nor exceed RMB500,000 for insured person between the age of
10 and 17.Juvenile'
s Indemnity should be limited to the amount stated above if juvenile'
s aggregated policy limit exceeds corresponding amount above. * 因乘坐泰国东方航空(航班代码:OX)导致的旅行延误、旅行取消不属于保险责任范围 Trave delay or cancellation with Orient Thai Airlines (OX) will be EXCLUDED * 同一保险期间,每位被保险人投保同一产品(包括同一产品的同一计划或不同计划)限投保壹份, 以最先投保之保单为有效,超出部分视为无效,保险费将无息退还. In the same insurance period, each insured person can only purchase one policy for the same product (including the same plan of the same product or different plans), only the first policy purchased is valid and the others will be void and the relevant premiums will be refunded. 史带财险客户服务热线:40099
95507 STARR Customer service hotline 提供保障内容、操作流程和理赔咨询服务.Provide benefits, operation process and claims enquiry. 查询详细保单条款,请访问 policy.starrchina.cn For detailed policy wording, please visit policy.starrchina.cn 史带财险24小时全球救援服务热线 +86 21-38295959,+86 400-820-7031 24-hour STARR Global Assistance Hotline +86 21-38295959,+86 400-820-7031 提供旅行咨询、医疗安排和紧急救援服务. Provide travel information, medical arrangement, emergency assistance service. 被保险人 Insured 证件号码 ID No. 出生日期 DOB 保费 Premium(RMB) 受益 Beneficiary 张三 ZHANGSAN