编辑: 思念那么浓 | 2019-07-02 |
2006 UPS Worldwide ExpressSM U.
S. Export Letter $27.50 $26.00 $26.75 $27.50 $27.00 $34.00 $34.50 $39.00 $39.75 $39.75 $50.75 $80.00 $84.75
1 Lbs. 43.50 43.00 44.75 43.50 38.00 50.25 51.25 61.00 56.75 57.25 65.75 95.50 96.75
2 49.50 47.75 50.25 49.50 46.75 59.25 58.75 70.25 64.25 64.50 82.75 112.50 114.50
3 58.50 53.75 55.50 58.50 53.25 69.25 66.50 79.50 73.50 74.00 98.50 131.00 132.25
4 64.50 58.00 61.25 64.50 61.25 79.00 74.75 89.00 82.25 82.25 115.00 148.25 149.75
5 72.00 61.25 66.00 72.00 69.00 88.00 83.00 97.75 90.75 90.75 131.75 165.50 167.50
6 78.50 63.25 70.00 78.50 77.75 93.75 89.50 105.50 99.50 99.50 148.50 179.25 181.75
7 84.75 65.50 74.00 84.75 84.25 98.75 95.75 113.25 108.25 108.25 165.25 194.00 197.00
8 90.25 68.50 78.00 90.25 91.00 103.75 101.75 119.25 116.75 117.00 180.50 208.75 212.75
9 95.00 71.25 81.75 95.00 96.75 108.50 107.75 125.50 125.50 125.50 195.25 223.75 227.00
10 99.50 73.75 84.75 99.50 102.00 113.50 112.75 131.75 134.25 134.50 210.25 238.75 241.25
11 104.25 76.75 88.75 104.25 106.75 118.25 118.75 137.25 141.75 142.75 225.00 252.25 255.00
12 108.75 79.75 92.50 108.75 112.00 123.25 124.50 142.50 149.50 150.75 239.50 266.00 268.75
13 112.50 83.25 96.00 112.50 117.00 127.25 130.00 148.00 157.50 159.00 253.25 279.75 282.25
14 115.75 86.75 99.50 115.75 121.75 132.25 135.75 153.50 165.75 167.00 266.50 293.25 296.00
15 119.25 90.75 103.25 119.25 126.50 137.00 141.50 159.00 174.00 175.50 280.00 307.00 309.25
16 122.25 93.75 106.50 122.25 132.50 142.00 147.75 164.25 181.00 182.50 293.00 320.00 323.00
17 125.25 96.75 110.00 125.25 137.00 146.75 153.75 169.75 187.75 189.50 305.00 334.50 336.50
18 128.50 100.00 114.00 128.50 141.75 151.50 159.50 175.00 194.00 195.75 315.75 349.00 350.00
19 131.50 103.00 118.00 131.50 146.25 156.25 165.25 180.25 200.50 202.25 326.50 363.25 363.50
20 134.50 106.25 121.50 134.50 150.75 161.25 171.00 185.75 207.00 208.75 337.50 377.25 377.25
21 137.75 109.50 124.75 137.75 155.50 166.75 176.75 191.50 213.50 215.25 349.50 390.75 391.25
22 141.25 112.25 128.00 141.25 160.00 172.75 182.75 196.50 220.00 222.00 361.25 404.00 404.25
23 143.75 115.50 131.00 143.75 164.50 177.50 188.25 201.75 226.50 228.50 371.50 417.00 417.75
24 146.25 118.25 134.25 146.25 169.00 182.50 193.50 206.50 232.50 235.00 382.00 430.00 431.50
25 149.00 121.00 137.50 149.00 173.75 186.75 198.50 211.50 239.00 241.50 392.25 443.25 444.75 Zones
80 81
82 84
900 901
902 903
904 905
906 907
908 C Any fraction of a pound more than the weight shown in the rate chart requires the next higher rate. C The Letter rate applies only to document shipments sent in a UPS Express Envelope. There is no weight limit when shipping via UPS Worldwide Express PlusSM , UPS Worldwide Express NA1SM or UPS Worldwide ExpressSM . C Add $40.00 to the appropriate UPS Worldwide Express rate for each UPS Worldwide Express Plus shipment. C For larger packages, additional charges may apply. C Dimensional weight may apply to any service except UPS Standard To Canada. C The minimum charge for a multiple- package UPS Standard To Canada shipment will be based on an average weight of
15 pounds per package. C For UPS Worldwide Express and UPS Worldwide ExpeditedSM export shipments of more than
150 pounds: Prices per pound and minimum rates apply to single-package shipments with a dimensional weight of more than
150 pounds and multiple-package shipments of more than