编辑: kr9梯 2019-07-03

2010 Hitachi Consulting 企业产品生命周期管理应用系统流程 战略发展部 客户 市场部 销售部 产品开发部 计划和生产 库存和物流 采购部 产品需求 产品战略 产品需求 产品需求记录和分析 产品开发计划 项目管理 原材料采购 质量集成管理 知识库查询和引用 产品设计 (CAD交互) 产品和物料主数 据、BOM、工艺、 文档、协同和工 作流、数据安全 研发物料寻源 成本估算 软件开发 测试 发布 供应商协同 生产排程 生产和供应链计划 车间生产 供应商 库存管理 质量管理 发运管理 原材料供给 变更 项目管理 ? Copyright

2010 Hitachi Consulting 系统实现流程 ? Part ? New Part Request(新物料申请) ? Part Qualification/Conditional Qualification(物料讣定/条件讣定) ? Part Information Change(物料信息变更) ? Part Substitution Change(物料替代关系变更) ? Part Risk Buy Request(物料风险采贩申请) ? Product(BOM)/Software/Drawing &

Document ? DCN(Design Change Notification, 设计变更通知) ? ECR(Engineering Change Request, 工程变更申请) ? ECN(Engineering Change Notification, 工程变更通知) ? Product Lifecycle Ended(产品生命周期终止) ? Document Change(文档审批) ? Product Certification Request(产品讣证申请) ? Project ? Project Approval(项目立项) ? Design Review(设计评审) ? Phase Review(阶段评审) ? Sample Build Request (样品试作申请) ? Mass Production Notification(量产准入) ? Supplier ? Supplier Qualification(供应商开发讣定) ? Supplier Change(供应商信息变更) ? Price ? RFQ(Request for Quotation, 报价请求) ? PCO(Price Change Order, 价格审批) ? Customer Quotation(客户报价) ? Copyright

2010 Hitachi Consulting 企业管理目标和工具 愿景 ? Vision 使命 ? Mission 战略 ? A ? B ? C 运营 ? 市场、销售和服务-市场和需求,订单交付 ? 研发-需求实现,产品投放,制造支持 ? 运营-供应链、制造 ? 财务和后勤 ?制定业务和产品战略;



























? Copyright

2010 Hitachi Consulting PLM with Operation/SCM Roles of PLM ? NPD/NPI - managing the design and development of new and existing product lines, and expediting the distribution of these goods to retailers and end consumers―has underlined the efficacy of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions. Several trends have emerged with more globalization: ? More smaller businesses users of PLM. Hard to win in time to market ? The emergence of new markets creates growth opportunities for businesses that traditionally were one- dimensional. ? The importance of inbound logistics and effectively managing product at point-of-origin has yielded far-reaching efficiencies throughout the supply chain. ? Outsourcing become popular ? PLM solution providers are quickly recognizing growth potential in non-traditional markets. They now increasingly tailor their offerings toward small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) that formerl........
