编辑: 5天午托 | 2019-07-04 |
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88457918 88457948 FAX:( 0574)
88457928 5. 环境特性: Environmental Characteristics: 5.1 温度范围: Temperature Range: 5.1.1 使用温度范围: Operating Temperature Range: -30 to + 70° C. 使用温度范围是代表继电器在线圈之动作电压范围内可以持续动作的温度范围 (在低温时无水滴凝结现象) Operating temperature range is the range of ambient temperature of which the Relay can be operated continuously within operative voltage range of coil (no condensation of water drops under low temperature condition) 5.1.2 储存温度范围: Storage Temperature Range: -30 to + 70° C. 储存温度范围是代表继电器在没有损伤的情况下可以被储存的温度范围(在低温 时无水滴凝结现象).储存的情况在本 SPEC 其它地方所示. Storage temperature range is the range of ambient temperature of which the Relay can be stored without damages (no condensation of water drops under low temperature condition). Conditions are as specified elsewhere in these specifications. 5.2 湿度范围: Humidity Range: 35~85% RH. 5.3 耐寒性: Cold Resistance: 5.3.1 使用耐寒性: Cold Resistance in Use: 继电器不给予电压或电流状态下,在恒温箱以-30 ±2° C 的温度连续保持
2 小时. 保持原状态操作回路上给予定格电压实验时继电器动作要正常.(在低温时无水滴 凝结现象) Relay should be kept in temperature chamber at -30 ±2° C for two hours that no current or voltage shall be supplied to Relay. Such condition shall be maintained while the rated voltage is supplied to Relay, then the Relay shall operate normally. (No condensation of water drops under low temperature condition) 5.3.2 储存耐寒性: Storage Cold Resistance: 继电器在恒温箱以-30 ±2° C 的温度连续保持
72 小时.接着,于常温常湿中消除 水滴
1 至2小时以后,进行构造,动作,及绝缘阻抗,耐压的测试,结果需要符 合SPEC.(在低温时无水滴凝结现象) Relay should be kept in temperature chamber at -40 ±2° C for
72 hours. Then the Relays shall be maintained at standard atmospheric condition for
1 to
2 hours after which measurement shall be made. Construction, Relay operation, Insulation Resistance and Dielectric Strength shall satisfy the specification requirements. (No condensation of water drops under low temperature condition) 5.4 耐热性: Heat Resistance: HK23F Page:
5 中国浙江宁波市鄞州区姜山镇新塘沿工业开发区 宁波汇科新纪元电器有限公司 Jiangshan Town Yinzhou Ningbo Zhejiang China Ningbo Huike New Era Electrical Appliances Co.,Ltd TEL: (
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88457918 88457948 FAX:( 0574)
88457928 5.4.1 使用耐热性: Heat Resistance in Use: 继电器操作回路提供定格电压,在接点部份提供定格电流的状态下,在恒温箱以
70 ±2° C 的温度连续保持
2 小时后,保持原状态进行继电器动作之测试,结果必 须符合 SPEC. Relay should be kept in temperature chamber at
70 ±2° C for two hours that rated Voltage should be supplied to Coil while rated Current should be supplied to Contacts. Such condition shall be maintained while the rated voltage is supplied to Relay, then Relay shall operate normally. 5.4.2 储存耐热性: Storage Heat Resistance 继电器在恒温箱以
70 ±2° C 的温度连续保持
16 小时,在常温,常湿状态下,放置1-2 小时后, 进行构造, 动作, 及绝缘阻抗, 耐压的测试, 结果需要符合 SPEC. Relay should be kept in temperature chamber at
70 ±2° C for
16 hours. Then the Relays shall be maintained at standard atmospheric condition for