编辑: 645135144 2019-07-04
BBC Learning English C On The Town 城市掠影 About this script Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast.

In the recording and editing process, changes may have been made which may not be reflected here. 关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件.本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改 变. ? British Broadcasting Corporation

2011 Camping 野营 Insert It's in the outdoors, you're staying in a tent, you've got the wind and the birds and the animals around you C yeah, it's far better than a hotel. You can learn to be self-sufficient. There's more camaraderie, you can sit around a fire and make some music, chat, play games C you can't do that in a hotel. Andrea: If you had the choice between staying in a hotel and going camping, what would you choose? Feifei: 让我选择住高级酒店还是户外野营 camping... erm... 当然是住酒店了. Andrea: Well maybe for you Feifei, but lots of young people in the UK love to go camping C whether it's in the countryside… Feifei: 在乡村. Andrea: At the beach… Feifei: 在沙滩上. Andrea: Or at one of the numerous music festivals held around Britain every summer. Feifei: 还有很多人们会选择在参加各类音乐节的时候野营. Andrea: So what's the appeal? Hello, I'm Andrea. This is On the Town. Feifei: 大家好,我是冯菲菲.在今天节目一开始,几个年轻人和我们分享了他们对野 营的热爱.他们为什么如此钟爱野营呢?请听下面这段录音,看看你能听出几 个原因. ? British Broadcasting Corporation

2011 Insert It's in the outdoors, you're staying in a tent, you've got the wind and the birds and the animals around you C yeah, it's far better than a hotel. You can learn to be self-sufficient. There's more camaraderie, you can sit around a fire and make some music, chat, play games C you can't do that in a hotel. Andrea: There are lots of reasons why people love camping. The first is that you are close to the wind and the birds and animals: you're in the outdoors. Feifei: The outdoors 户外. Andrea: Camping also teaches you to be self-sufficient. Feifei: Self-sufficient 自给自足的.野营需要一些基本的野外生存能力,比如说生 火,做饭,还有不能每天都洗澡! Andrea: Urggh! But camping is actually about more than that. Feifei: That's right. It's about camaraderie 友情,友谊.上面的女士说她喜欢和 她的朋友们围坐在篝火旁聊天、唱歌、做游戏.She's right C you definitely can't do those things if you're staying in a hotel! Andrea: No! So, let's say I've decided to go camping, even though I might not have a bath for a week. What would I need to take with me? Insert You can get all kinds of stuff, from larders and cookers, and things like that, but it just depends on how luxurious you want to be I think. I think all you need, really, if you want to just go camping is a tent and a sleeping bag and a roll mat. Some food to eat while you're there, a waterproof tent obviously, some waterproofs to keep you dry, a good pair of hiking boots. But you really don't need too much;

it's not too expensive. Feifei: 听起来去野营可能需要准备不少东西,比如说 larders and cookers, 食物储 藏箱和炊具. Andrea: Larders and cookers? That sounds very fancy! Feifei: 不过就像上面那位女士说的,it just depends on how luxurious you want to be. 准备什么样的东西取决于你个人的喜好,也就是说如果你想来一 个豪华的野营,你需要准备的东西就很多了.不过,大多数人去野营的基本行 头就是 a sleeping bag 一个睡袋 and a roll mat 还有一个防潮垫. ? British Broadcasting Corporation
