编辑: hyszqmzc 2019-07-04
T U E S D A Y , J U N E

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0 9 ? T A I P E I T I M E S

14 双语新闻 BILINGUAL TIMES A n Argentine evangelical pastor was born again when a psalm book he was holding deflected a bullet fired at close range, officials in the western province of Mendoza said Thursday.

Mauricio Zanes Condori, 38, was trying to talk two thieves out of robbing his church, located in the town of Rodeo del Medio, some 1,000km west of Buenos Aires, local judicial authorities reported. One of the thieves aimed his handgun at Zanes Condori's chest and fired at a distance of two meters. The criminals immediately fled, and churchgoers who were watching the event unfold in horror called an ambulance. The bullet, however, hit the psalm book that Zanes Condori was holding to his chest. A medic who arrived at the scene said that the book slowed down the bullet and deflected its trajectory, so in the end it only scratched Zanes Condori's chest. The official report said that a Bible had stopped the bullet, but Zanes Condori later clarified that it was a psalm book. "That leads me to believe in a God that takes care of me," Zanes Condor told the online publication Los Andes. (afp) Saved pastor rejoices as psalm book stops bullet 赞美诗本替牧师挡下子弹 Top: A crow flies past the Papal Cross in Phoenix Park in Dublin on May 20, 2009. photo: reuters Left: A member of the choir is seen holding a Bible in Chinese script during an early service on Easter Sunday at a Protestant church in Beijing on April 12, 2009. photo: EPA 上图:五月二十日在都柏林的凤凰公园中,一只乌鸦飞过十字架. 照片:路透 左图:四月十二日在北京某新教教会中,一位诗班成员在复活节的礼拜上握著一本中文版圣经. 照片:欧新社 阿 根廷南部曼多萨省官员上周四表示,一位福音派牧师遭到近距离开枪,所幸他手上握著的 赞美诗本替他挡下子弹,救了他一命. 当地法院人士描述,三十八岁的莫里西欧.单斯.康朵利当时想劝退两名抢劫教堂的小偷;

他 的教堂位在布宜诺艾利斯西部约一千公里的罗德欧德尔梅迪欧镇上. 其中一名小偷把手枪瞄准单斯.康朵利的胸口,并在两公尺的近距离朝他开枪. 这两名罪犯开枪后旋即逃跑,而目睹这起事件的教友惊恐地打电话叫救护车. 然而,子弹击中了单斯.康朵利握在胸前的赞美诗本. 抵达现场的急救医生说,这本书使得子弹减速,偏转了弹道,所以子弹只擦过单斯.康朵利的 胸口. 官方报告指出,是一本圣经阻挡了子弹,但单斯.康朵利稍后澄清那是一本赞美诗. 单斯.康朵利对《安地斯》新闻网说:「我相信这是上帝的眷顾.」 (法新社翻译:袁星尘) IDIOM POINT 重要片语 TODAY'S WORDS 今日单字 OUT LOUD 对话练习 talk somebody out of something 劝某人打消念头 If you talk somebody out of doing something, you persuade them not to do it. In the article, the priest tried to persuade the robbers not to rob the church. Examples: "I spent hours trying to talk Polly out of sailing to India, but she didn't heed my advice," or "Can you help me talk Wilbur out of doing a parachute jump? I don't think he realizes how dangerous it is." 若你「talk somebody out of doing something」,意 思就是你说服他们不要去做某事.上文中提到,这位牧师想 劝抢匪不要抢劫教堂. 例如:「我花了数小时劝宝丽不要搭船去印度,但她不 我的建议」,或是「你可以帮我劝劝韦伯不要去跳伞吗?我 觉得他没搞清楚跳伞有多危险」. Mark: Have you seen Daisy recently? Stuart: Yes, I saw her last night. Mark: How is she? Stuart: Not good. She wants to quit her job at the hospital. I think she's mad. Mark: Right. That's a good job. Why does she want to quit? Stuart: I have no idea, but I intend to talk her out of it. Mark: Good idea. Let me know if I can help. Stuart: Sure. 马克:你最近有见到黛西吗? 史都华:有,我昨晚才见过她. 马克:她还好吗? 史都华:不太好,她想辞掉医院的工作.我觉得她疯了. 马克:没错,那是个好工作.她为甚麽想辞职? 史都华:我不知道,但我想劝她打消这个念头. 马克: 好主意,如果有我可以帮上忙的地方就跟我说一声吧. 史都华:好. 1. deflect /d??fl?kt/ v. 使转向 (shi2 zhuan3 xiang4) 例: The tennis ball deflected off the wall and hit the window. (那颗网球击中墙壁后转而打中窗户.) 2. aim /em/ v. 瞄准 (miao2 zhun3) 例: The hunter aimed his gun at the target. (猎人把枪对准目标.) 3. unfold /?n?fold/ v. 呈现 (cheng2 xian4) 例: The drama slowly unfolded in front of us. (这场戏剧性事件慢慢地在我们面前呈现.) 4. publication /,p?bl??ke??n/ n. 出版物 (chu1 ban3 wu4) 例: Rory subscribes to a fishing publication. (罗利订了一份钓鱼刊物.) TT-980602-P14-IB.indd
