编辑: bingyan8 | 2019-07-04 |
Engineering 天津大学 环境科学与工程学院 School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Weijin Road 92, Nankai District, 300072, Tianjin, CHINA;
天津大学 环境学院,卫津路
92 号,300072 Tel.
22 27406057, Fax : ++86
22 87402075, E-mail: [email protected];
Website:http://www.iceatbtju.com 第七届国际环境厌氧技术与生物能源大会 THE 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL ANAEROBIC TECHNOLOGIES AND BIOENERGY Tianjin University, Tianjin, China November 12-13,
2011 第一轮通知 会议时间:2011 年11 月12 日~13 日 会议地点:天津市 主办单位:天津大学 会议支持单位:国家自然科学基金委员会、中华人民共和国环境保护部、中华人民共和国科技部、国 际水协会北京部、威立雅水务集团 会议主要议题: l 废水高效厌氧处理技术及其工程应用 l 固体废物和污泥的厌氧处理技术及其工程应用 l 厌氧生物能源技术 l 厌氧处理过程的数学模型 l 厌氧微生物技术 l 有机废物生物能源技术 征文要求: 时间要求 提交论文摘要截止日期:2011 年7月1日通知论文录用截止日期:2011 年8月1日提交论文全文截止日期:2011 年9月30 日 论文摘要内容要求 论文摘要须用英文撰写,内容包括论文标题、作者姓名及所属单位、研究目的、实验结果、结论、关键词(不超过
5 个).摘要全文不超过
500 字. 提交方式 以Word 文档附件的形式用电子邮件发送到大会秘书处([email protected]) . 会议提交论文的详细要求及其他事宜见会议网站:http://www.iceatbtju.com 本次会议录用的论文将收录在会议论文集中,会议论文集将被 ISTP 检索.论文集中的优秀论文 将被推荐到 EI 检索的期刊,如天津大学学报, 或SCI 检索的期刊如 Energy and Fuels, Journal of Environmental Sciences and Frontiers of Environmental Science &
Engineering in China 等. Tianjin University School of Environmental Science &
Engineering 天津大学 环境科学与工程学院 School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Weijin Road 92, Nankai District, 300072, Tianjin, CHINA;
天津大学 环境学院,卫津路
92 号,300072 Tel. ++86
22 27406057, Fax : ++86
22 87402075, E-mail: [email protected];
2011 Invitation As Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 7th International Conference on Environmental Anaerobic Technologies and bioenergy, I take great pleasure in inviting you to attend the conference to be held in Tianjin, China, on November 12-13, 2011. The conference will be hosted by Tianjin University, which is the first modern-style university in China, established in
1895 initially named Peiyang University . Sustainable water environment and renewable energy production from organic wastes such as wastewater and municipal solid waste etc., has been of our great interest with increasing research efforts made in last decade. Anaerobic technologies have contributed much for the above-mentioned subject and achieved significant improvement during the past two decades. This conference aims to provide a platform for sharing information related to updated development of anaerobic technologies and bioenergy technologies, as well as application and case studies, so as to promote interactions among academics, government and the industries. The conference will include keynote speeches, invited lectures, oral and poster presentations, covering topics mainly on advanced anaerobic technology for wastewater treatment and its full-scale applications, sludge and solid waste treatment, bioenergy technologies (bio-methane, bio-hydrogen, MFC etc.), modeling and simulation, and anaerobic biotechnologies. Of course, multi-disciplinary interaction in the form of bio-refining organic wastes is also welcomed. This conference would also encourage young researchers and postgraduate students to present their academic viewpoints. Details for registration and submission of abstracts and papers are shown in Attachment