编辑: sunny爹 | 2019-07-04 |
1 Connaught Place, Central Hong Kong PRINCIPAL SHARE REGISTRAR AND ? TRANSFER OFFICE Estera Trust (Cayman) Limited Clifton House
75 Fort Street, PO Box
1350 Grand Cayman, KY1-1108 Cayman Islands HONG KONG BRANCH SHARE REGISTRAR Tricor Investor Services Limited Level 22, Hopewell Centre
183 Queen'
s Road East Hong Kong STOCK CODE Stock code:
1430 WEBSITE www.suchuanggas.com 总办事处及中国主要营业地点 中国江苏省苏州市太仓市娄江南路116号 (邮编: 215400) 香港主要营业地点 香港 金钟道88号 太古广场一座13楼 主要往来银行 中国建设银行股份有限公司太仓支行 中国太仓市城厢镇 县府街44号 中国银行有限公司太仓支行 中国太仓市城厢镇 新华东路68号 法律顾问 香港法律: 西盟斯律师行 香港 金钟道88号 太古广场一座13楼 开曼群岛法律: Appleby 香港中环 康乐广场一期 怡和大厦2206-19室 主要股份过户登记处 Estera Trust (Cayman) Limited Clifton House
75 Fort Street, PO Box
1350 Grand Cayman, KY1-1108 Cayman Islands 香港股份过户登记分处 卓佳证券登记有限公司 香港 皇后大道东183号 合和中心22楼 股份代号 股份代号:1430 网站 www.suchuanggas.com
4 The board (the Board ) of directors (the Directors ) of Suchuang Gas Corporation Limited (the Company ) is pleased to present the unaudited interim financial results and financial position of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively, the Group ) for the six months ended
30 June
2018 (the Period ) together with the comparative figures for the corresponding period of last year. MARKET OVERVIEW In the first half of 2018, the global economy maintained last year'
s growth momentum in a recovery trend. However, despite the sustaining economic growth, global economic development was still foreshadowed by uncertainties with mounting downward risks including gradually surfacing financial fragility, trade protectionism, intensifying geo-political tensions and reverse of loosen monetary policies worldwide. These factors may serve to derail the global economy from recovery. Facing more fluctuations in the global economy, China insisted on its open market policy and accelerated its pace in replacing traditional growth drivers with new growth drivers while emphasizing the development of real economy, and following through with its Made in China
2025 initiative so as to maintain China'
s sound economic fundamentals in the long-term. In order to reduce the cost of energy consumption and logistic flow in the real economy, and response to the environmental protection call for a clean ocean and a blue sky, China deepened reform in the natural gas industry and has been promoting natural gas as the main source of modern clean energy for the country in order to enhance the competitivenes........