编辑: ACcyL 2019-07-04

0 (RMB'

000) (人民币千元)

2018 2014

2015 2016

2017 5 Assets and Liabilities 资产及负债 As at

31 December 於十二月三十一日

2018 2017

2016 2015

2014 二零一八年 二零一七年 二零一六年 二零一五年 二零一四年 RMB'

000 RMB'

000 RMB'

000 RMB'

000 RMB'

000 人民币千元 人民币千元 人民币千元 人民币千元 人民币千元 Total assets 资产总值 1,921,459 1,981,803 2,156,387 2,242,250 2,172,669 Total liabilities 负债总值 142,455 304,335 505,159 655,658 617,982 Total equity attributable to ? equity shareholders of ? the Company 本公司所有者 应占权益 1,779,004 1,677,468 1,651,228 1,586,592 1,554,687 Non-controlling interests 少数股东权益 Total Equity Attributable to Equity Shareholders of the Company 本公司股东应占权益 (RMB'


0 150,000 300,000 450,000 750,000 900,000 1,050,000 1,200,000 1,350,000 1,500,000 1,650,000 1,800,000

2018 600,000 (人民币千元)

2017 2014

2015 2016 Adjusted. Details please see explanation note on page 4. 经调整.详情请见第四页之附注.

6 I am pleased to submit to the shareholders of the Company (the Shareholders ) the annual report of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively known as the Group ) for the financial year ended

31 December 2018. Annual Results and Review The Group recorded a turnover of approximately RMB1,067,585,000 for the year ended

31 December

2018 as compared to approximately RMB901,041,000 last year, representing an increase of approximately 18%. The gross profit margin was approximately 27% for the year ended

31 December

2018 while the gross profit margin for the previous year was approximately 31% . The profit attributable to equity Shareholders was approximately RMB137,336,000 for the year under review, representing an increase of approximately RMB50,911,000 over the previous year of approximately RMB86,425,000 . Basic earnings per share was approximately RMB0.384. The significant increase in turnover of the Group was mainly attributable to the further boost in sales volume over last year, caused by the mixed effects of the increase in our Group'

s market development effort and advance purchases by US customers for the avoidance of risks associated with custom duty. Slight increase in the selling price was also noted compared with last year. Under the trend of depreciation of Renminbi against US Dollar and the condition of gradual decrease in gearing ratio of the Group, the Group has continued to enhance its cooperation with domestic and oversea renowned financial institutions. This reduced the Group'

s exchange rate risk and finance costs, and can better facilitate its business development. In relation to expanding the market sales, the Group continued to maintain close and stable business relationships with certain renowned beverage manufacturers in China and overseas and has developed new good customers with broadened sales channels. The market share of the Company in terms of sales volume in the African and North American markets also increased significantly. In respect of research and development, the Company had developed a 本人欣然提呈本公司及附属公司 (合称 「本 集团」 ) 截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止 年度报告,敬请本公司各位股东 ( 「股东」 ) 浏览. 全年业绩及回顾 本集团截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止年度实现本集团收入约为人民币1,067,585,000元,比去年同期的约人民 币901,041,000元相比上升约18%;
