编辑: f19970615123fa 2019-07-04
实验室冻干机 公司介绍 上海拓纷机械设备有限公司专业生产中试型冻干机、生产型冻干机、实验室冻干机(小型冻干机)、 冷水机、超低温冰箱、层析冷柜、恒温槽等制冷设备,提供化工、食品及其他行业所需冷冻干燥生产线专 业、整体解决方案 .


10 年的历史,专注于制冷行业的技术革新和产品应用. 结合德国现代化生产管理经验,与浙江大学制冷研究院最尖端科学技术全面融合,致力于将拓纷打造为最 有价值、最有实力的制冷品牌. 上海拓纷产品具有成熟的制造工艺,精准的温控精度,极限的超低温度和高效的售后服务.通过与浙 江大学亲密合作,拥有一批权威的制冷专家,组成以浙大教授为主体的研发团队,专心为客户服务,为客 户量身打造理想方案,以最快效率提供产品,保证了产品的先进和适用.同时提供完善的售后支持,保证 售后服务的及时、专业. 在生产领域、专业实验室等各行业客户那里,拓纷的制冷设备和方案已经成为最理想的合作伙伴. Shanghai Toffon machinery equipment Co., Ltd. is professional manufacturer about shelter laboratory freeze dryer, industrial freeze dryer, laboratory freeze dryer, cold water machine, ultra-low temperature refrigerator, chromatography freezer, thermostat bath etc. refrigeration equipments. Toffon also pro-vides integral solution for freeze drying production line needed by the chemical, food and other industries professionally. Toffon is located in the Yangtze River Delta region, the prosperity of science and technology. Toffon has a history of

10 years, focusing on refrigeration industry technological innovation and product application. Combined with the German modern production management experience, with the Zhejiang University refrigeration Research Institute of the most cutting-edge science and technology comprehensive integration, Toffon is committed to the extension to create the most valuable, the most powerful brand of refrigeration. Toffon's products with sophisticated manufacturing process, precise temperature control precision, the limit of ultra low temperature and efficient after-sales service. Through close cooperation with Zhejiang University, Toffon has a number of authoritative refrigeration experts. Composed by Zhejiang University professor for the main R & D team, concentrate on customer requirements, provide custom ideal solution, with the fastest supply. At the same time provide perfect after sales support to ensure the timely and professional after-sales service. In production field , professional laboratories and other customers, Toffon has been the most ideal partner. 实验室冻干机系列 非标定做・提供・解决方案 真空冷冻干燥机(简称冻干机)工作原理是在真空低温环境下把物体的含水分冻结成固 体,而后使其中的水分从固态升华成气态,从而得到干燥、绿色环保的冻干物. 上海拓纷机械设备有限公司是国内外专业的真空冷冻干燥机(冻干机)生产厂家,不仅具 有国内外领先的技术水平, 更有良好的售后服务和优质的冻干机解决方案. 上海拓纷冻干机 按照用途分,可分为实验室冻干机、中试型冻干机、生产型冻干机.

一、实验室冻干机、实验室冷冻干燥机介绍: 实验室冻干机主要用于各大高校学院、科研实验室等等,具有精工细致、简易适用、灵 活性强等特点.多种规格及配置,可满足大多数实验室常规冻干的要求. 实验室冻干机也称为小型冻干机、实验型冻干机,从功能上分,可分为:普通型冻干机、 压盖型冻干机、多岐管型冻干机. 普通型冻干机:物料散装于物料盘中,适用于食品、中草药、粉末材料的冻干. 压盖型冻干机: 适合西林瓶装物料的干燥, 冻干准备时, 按需要将物料分装在西林瓶中, 浮盖好瓶盖后进行冷冻干燥,干燥结束后操作压盖机构压紧瓶盖,可避免二次污染、重新吸 附水分,易于长期保存. 多歧管型(普通型)冻干机:在干燥室外部接装烧瓶,对旋冻在瓶内壁的物料进行干燥, 这时烧瓶作为容器接在干燥箱外的歧管上, 烧瓶中的物料靠室温加热, 通过多歧管开关装置, 可按需要随时取下或装上烧瓶,不需要停机. 多歧管型(T 型架)冻干机:适用于安瓿管.对细菌,真菌等微生物菌种的保藏,实验室 常采用安瓿封存法.样品冷冻干燥后封装在小安瓿内.它具有保藏期长、变异小,便于大量 保藏及适用范围较广等优点. 多岐管压盖型冻干机:结合了压盖型冻干机和多岐管型冻干机的特点. 1.1 实验室冻干机主要特点: 进口制冷压缩机,工作可靠,使用寿命长;
