编辑: 匕趟臃39 2019-09-11
CN 操作说明 接线:通过插头将暖风机和主电源线连接.

确保插头安装正确. 操作:将系统打开,打开暖风机,通过调节旋纽①调节到所需要的热量 9KW(关―冷风―6 ―9) . 一般:该暖风机配备了温度调节装置.温度可以根据需要通过温度调节旋纽②进行调节,暖 风机会自动运行.在关闭暖风机之前,最好先中断热量供给,然后将旋纽调至冷风(旋钮) 几分钟以冷却暖风机,然后再调至关,关闭主电源.如果暖风机被主开关切断,热量会自动 被切断. NB! 设备在使用时请勿被覆盖,进风口及出风口的不畅会引起设备过热,危险! 防止高粉尘和潮湿,不要雨天在室外使用! 警告!请勿在浴室、淋浴房、游泳池等场所使用! 设备与可燃物质、墙壁及天花板的距离不小于

1 米! 加热状态停机时,请先拧到冷风档

1 分钟吹出余热后,再停机! 为了延长暖风机的寿命,尽量避免长时间使用. 维护:当断开电源时,可以用压缩空气进行清洗. 保修:保管好收据或维修卡. 在保修范围内可以进行维修,可以凭收据或保修卡到服务站进行维修机器. GB Instruction manual START UP:Make sure to have properly installed and connected the heater OPERATING: Turn the power selector ① to the desired setting 9kw(OFF-FAN-6-9). NOTE: This model is supplied with thermostat. Turn the thermostat knob ② to the desired temperature. Before shutdown the machine, turn the thermostat to the MIIN position and turn the power selector on FAN position about

2 minutes to allow the unit to cool down and then set the power selector to OFF. If turning the power off, the heating will automatically stop. NB! DO NOT COVER. DO NOT BLOCK THE AIR INLET AND OUTLET. OVERHEAT DANGER! Preventing dust and vapor and do not use outside when raining. DO NOT use the heater in the bathrooms, showers, near swimming pools! Ensure a clearance of at least

1 m from flammable materials, walls, ceilings or any others. Turn the knob to FAN for at least

1 minute when shut down the unit during heating. Better avoid long time continuously using. Maintaining: Can be washed by the compressed air when shut off the power. Warranty: Keep the invoice or the warranty card. Take the invoice or card to the service station during the warranty validity.
