编辑: 梦里红妆 2019-07-05

授课教师拥有世界知名机构工作经历、教学 经验丰富、研究及行业协作能力突出;


在专业教师的指导下,学生将有机会在国际 学术会议展示自己的研究成果并在国际知名 期刊发表文章;

每年都有相当一部分学生获得夏季本科生研 究基金,在老师的指导下开展在暑期科研项 目;

毕业生可获得中国教育部认可的西交利物浦 大学学位和国际认可的利物浦大学学位. 知识与技能 掌握计算机科学, 电子与电气工程的基本理 论;

了解数学、 软件工程、 设计和管理的相关知识 和技能;

能够结合专业知识和技能调查并解决科研与 工业环境中遇到的复杂问题. 就业 毕业生可任职于高校、 研究机构、 电子及计算 机设备制造厂家、 工程咨询公司及相关行业 等;

毕业生亦可前往牛津大学、 剑桥大学等世界 知名学府继续深造. The BSc Information and Computing Science programme equips you with a broad knowledge of computer-based systems and the technical skills needed to work in research and development or technical support. You will learn how to use your skills creatively to solve practical problems as well as learn how cutting-edge computer technology is developed and applied. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES In-depth focus on both the theory and practice of computer science. Staff have worked at world-renowned institutions and have diverse experience in teaching, research and collaboration with industry. You will engage in research and industry-related work, and, under the supervision of staff, you may be able to present your research results at international conferences and to publish in leading journals. Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships allow students to conduct supervised research with financial support. Student placement opportunities for career development and practical experience to complement your theoretical studies. Earn two degrees: an XJTLU degree from the Chinese Ministry of Education and a globally recognised degree from the University of Liverpool, a member of the Russell Group of leading UK universities. BSc INFORMATION AND COMPUTING SCIENCE 信息与计算科学 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 计算机科学与软件工程系 Our department delivers an exciting range of programmes, and many of our graduates take further studies at world-leading institutions or start their careers with prestigious employers. Our highly qualified staff members have a diverse range of international experience in teaching, research and working with industry, which benefits our students in enhancing their learning experience and employability. We are active in research and business interaction and have funding support from various international, national and local sources, such as the European Union, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and industry. 计算机科学与软件工程系进行本科及 研究生课程教学, 毕业生多在世界领 先研........
