编辑: 此身滑稽 | 2019-07-06 |
修回日期:2016鄄12鄄22 随着电力电子技术的进步, 开关电源朝高效 率、高功率密度和小型化的方向发展[1鄄3] .
通常消费 领域开关电源为满足安规方面要求,电所采用 DC/ DC 变换器拓扑输入和输出之间需要电气隔离. 双 管正激变换器具有电路简单、成本低和效率高的特 点[4鄄6] ,被广泛应用于低功率的开关电源中. 输出保持时间是开关电源基本要求,指电源输 入断开时开始计算直流输出带最大负载需要保持 在正常电压范围内的时间[8] . 输出保持时间在电源 系统发生紧急情况时能给后级系统留出反应时间. 当输入断开时,直流储能电容上电压下降,电源的 控制回路为了保持输出电压的稳定会增加开关占 空比[7] . 当占空比达到最大时,反馈便失去调节作 用,输出电压开始迅速下降,直到为 0. 可见最大占 空比限制直接影响了输出保持时间长短. 考虑到以 上情况,双管正激电路需要很大的输入端直流储能 电容来维持暂态时输出的稳定[8鄄11] . 这样既不利于 成本的降低,又不利于电源的小型化改进. 本文提出一种改进型双管正激变换器,只需要 增加少量的元器件就可以增大占空比限制,从而在 DOI:10.13234/j.issn.2095-2805.2018.1.19 中图分类号:TM46 文献标志码:A 一种变模态恒定磁芯复位电压双管正激 变换器 李学峰,吴德军,王仕韬 (国网技术学院,济南 250002) 摘要:针对现代开关电源的小型化与高功率密度化要求,提出一种改进型双管正激变换器. 通过在传统变 换器基础上增加部分附加电路,使变压器磁复位电压在输入断开时近似保持不变,从而在输入电容电压下降过 程中使变换器开关占空比突破双管正激变换器 50%的限制,更有效地利用储能电容中的能量,最终使得变换器 在使用较小容量储能电容的情况下,延长输出保持时间. 详述了电路原理,进行了理论公式推导,并给出了关键 器件的设计步骤. 最后通过一台
180 W 实验样机验证了理论分析的正确性. 关键词:开关电源;
输出保持时间 Flexible Mode Double鄄switch Forward Converter with Constant Magnetic鄄reset Voltage LI Xuefeng, WU Dejun, WANG Shitao (State Grid of China Technology College, Jinan 250002, China) Abstract: Considering the small鄄volume and high鄄power鄄density requirements of switching鄄mode power supplies at present, an improved double鄄switch forward converter was presented. With an additional circuit, the improved converter could provide an approximately constant magnetic鄄reset voltage when the input was cut off, which allowed a duty cycle of larger than 50%(i.e., limit of a double鄄switch forward converter) during the declining process of input capacitance voltage and utilized the energy stored in the capacitor more efficiently. In this way, the larger duty cycle helped to expand the hold鄄up time when a smaller bulk capacitor was used. The working principle of the converter was analyzed in detail, and the relevant theoretical formulas were deduced. Moreover, the design processes of key components were given. Finally, the theoretical analysis was validated through a
180 W experimental prototype. Keywords: switching鄄mode power supply;
double鄄switch forward;
hold鄄up time 电源学报Journal of Power Supply Vol.16 No.1 Jan.
2018 第16 卷第1期2018 年1月总第
75 期电源学报(d)状态
4 图2变换器工作状态 Fig.2 Operation modes of the converter (a)状态