编辑: liubingb 2019-07-07
第32 卷第


32, No.

3 Mar. ,

2011 焦化工业场地建筑物和生产设施表面 Pb 的赋存特征 及健康风险 王玉哲 1,

2 , 阎秀兰 2* , 廖晓勇

2 , 孙璐

2 , 朱琨

1 (1. 兰州交通大学环境与市政工程学院, 兰州 730070;

2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101) 摘要:研究了某典型焦化工业场地建筑物和生产设施表面 Pb 的污染特征及其存在的健康风险. 在该场地选择了

56 个建筑物 和生产设施, 采用美国环保局(United States Environmental Protection Agency, US EPA)的擦拭取样方法, 采集了

94 个擦拭样品, 分析了建筑物和生产设施表面 Pb 的含量, 目的是阐明焦化工业场地建筑物和生产设施表面 Pb 的含量和分布特征, 探讨其表 面存在的 Pb 污染潜在健康风险. 分析结果表明, 焦化厂建筑物和生产设施表面 Pb 含量差异很大, 在0~538 μg /dm2 范围内, 78. 7% 的擦拭样品超过美国住房和城乡建设部(United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, US HUD)规定的健 康风险基准值(2.

69 μg /dm2 ), 推焦车表面 Pb 含量最高. 办公和生活区、 精制区、 炼焦区和制气区擦拭样品 Pb 含量的超标率 分别为 78. 9% 、 75. 0% 、 73. 7% 和78. 6% . 在玻璃、 防锈漆、 水泥和砖这

4 种材质中, 防锈漆表面平均 Pb 含量最高, 其次为砖面 和水泥, 玻璃表面最低, 94. 4% 的防锈漆表面擦拭样品超过健康风险基准值. 关键词:铅;





风险评价 中图分类号:X82 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0250- 3301(2011)03- 0834-

08 收稿日期:2010-06-05;

修订日期:2010-09-01 基金项目:北京市科技计划重大项目( D08040900360803) 作者简介:王玉哲(1986 ~ ) , 男, 硕士研究生, 主要研究方向为污染 环境的风险评估, E-mail:wyztc1314@ 163. com * 通讯联系人,E-mail: yanxl@ igsnrr. ac. cn Pb Pollution on Surfaces in a Typical Coking Plant and Health Risk Assessment WANG Yu-zhe1,

2 , YAN Xiu-lan2 , LIAO Xiao-yong2 , SUN Lu2 , ZHU Kun1 (1. School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou 730070,China;

2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China) Abstract:Pb pollution on the surfaces of buildings and devices at a coking plant was studied. The objectives of this study were to determine the Pb content and its spatial variation on the surfaces, and to assess the potential health risk from this Pb. Ninety-four wipe samples were collected from

56 buildings and devices at the coking plant, and their Pb contents were determined. Surface Pb concentrations ranged from 0-

538 μg /dm2 , and concentrations in 78. 7% of the samples exceeded the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) standard (2.

69 μg /dm2 ). By area, the proportion of samples with concentrations greater than the US HUD standard were 78. 9% in the office and living zone, 75. 0% in the refining zone, 73. 7% in the coking zone and 78. 6% in the coke-gas zone. Among the various types of surfaces, the coke pusher had the highest average surface concentration of Pb. The average surface concentrations of Pb on common coking plant surface materials followed the order paints >

brick >

cement >

glass, and the concentrations in 94. 4% of the wipe samples taken from paint surfaces exceeded the US HUD standard. Key words:Pb;
