编辑: JZS133 2019-07-07
植物遗传资源学报 2017?18(1):1~9 Journal of Plant Genetic Resources DOI:10.

13430 / j. cnki. jpgr. 2017. 01.

001 中国杂草稻种群的发芽期耐冷性研究 杨金玲?强胜?张帮华?宋小玲?石志华?蒋倩?戴伟民 (南京农业大学杂草研究室?南京 210095) 收稿日期:2016~04~12 修回日期:2016~06~01 网络出版日期:2016~12~16 URL:http:/ / www. cnki. net/ kcms/ detail/ 11. 4996. S. 20161216. 0926. 002. html 基金项目:2013 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303022)?转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项(2016ZX08011~001?2009ZX08012~020B)?国 家自然科学基金(30800604)?国家重点研发计划(2016YFC1201202) 第一作者主要从事杂草稻生物学研究? E~mail:jinlingyang123456@ 163. com 通信作者:戴伟民?主要从事农田杂草适应进化机制和转基因水稻生态安全? E~mail:daiweimin4@ njau. edu. cn 摘要:以中国

75 个杂草稻种群及其对应采样田的水稻品种为试验材料?研究了不同处理(破除休眠与不破除休眠、常温

25 ℃ 与低温

15 ℃ 、7 d 测定和

14 d 测定)对种子发芽率的影响? 结果表明?杂草稻的发芽率与对应采样点水稻品种的发芽率 呈现极显著相关性? 杂草稻破除休眠处理的发芽率显著或极显著高于不破除休眠处理? 破除休眠与不破除休眠下?15 ℃ 处 理的杂草稻种子发芽率均显著高于对应采样田的水稻品种?证明杂草稻相对于采样田水稻品种具有更强的耐冷性?可能进化 出了新的耐冷性机制?

25 ℃ 处理下杂草稻和对应水稻品种的发芽率均与纬度呈显著或极显著负相关?表明休眠性有随着纬 度的降低而减弱的趋势? 关键词:杂草稻?水稻?种子萌发率?耐冷性 Cold Tolerance of Seed Germination for Weedy Rice Populations in China YANG Jin~ling?QIANG Sheng?ZHANG Bang~hua? SONG Xiao~ling?SHI Zhi~hua?JIANG Qian?DAI Wei~min (Weed Research Laboratory?Nanjing Agricultural University?Nanjing 210095) Abstract:75 weedy rice populations and their coexisting cultivars of rice were collected. Seed germination was processed under

8 different treatments including with or without breaking dormancy?normal temperature(25 ℃)or low temperature(15 ℃)?7 days or

14 days?respectively. The results showed at germination ratio of weedy rice had extremely significant correlation with that of their coexisting cultivars without or with breaking dormancy. Germina~ tion ratio of weedy rice with breaking dormancy was significantly or extremely significantly higher than that of weedy rice without breaking dormancy. Without or with breaking dormancy?cold tolerance of weedy rice was stronger than that of coexisting cultivars?which indicated weedy rice might had evolved a novel mechanism of cold tolerance at

15 ℃. Furthermore?germination ratio of weedy rice and their coexisting cultivars at

25 ℃ had negative correlation with latitude?which showed weaker dormancy with decreasing latitude. Key words:weedy rice?rice?seed germination ratio?cold tolerance 低温冷害是水稻(Oryza sativa L. ) 生产中普遍 突出的非生物逆境[1~3] ? 起源于热带和亚热带地区 的水稻? 属于喜温植物? 比其他粮食作物如小麦 (Triticum aestivum L. )、大麦(Hordeum vulgare L. )等 对低温更敏感[4] ? 全球每年受低温冷害的水稻面 积达

1500 万hm2 以上[5] ? 中国每年因低温冷害造 成的水稻减产高达

30 亿~50 亿kg[6] ? 筛选并聚合 耐冷性强的基因是当前培育耐冷性水稻品种的最重 要途径之一[4] ? H. B. Li 等[7] 研究表明?低温发芽 率(23 ℃和23?
