编辑: GXB156399820 2019-07-08

s an organization that introduces solar cookers to developing countries (10)teaches people how to use them. 8. 【答案】 depend 【解析】 本题考查时态语态;

根据提示词可知,depend 是动词,在本句中充当谓语 动词, 主语为 Billions of poor people , 因此谓语动词用复数;

故正确答案是 depend. 北京新东方优能中学&


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4 9. 【答案】 why 【解析】 本题考查名词性从句;

主句缺表语,主句成分不完整,而从句成分完整, 缺少原因状语.句意是 这就是为什么 Dr. Metcalf 每年夏天都在非洲度过的原因. ;

故正确答案是 why. 10. 【答案】 and 【解析】 本题考查连词;

根据空格前谓语动词 introduces 以及空格后 teaches,可 知此处谓语动词并列,句意为 它是一个向发展中国家介绍太阳能炊具并教人们如何 使用它们的组织. ;

故正确答案是 and. 北京新东方优能中学&


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第二节 完形填空(共20 小题;

每小题 1.5 分,共30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. Two birthdays, One mistake Zackary Johnson has a birthday coming up in a few days, so it wasn'

t surprising to have an envelope addressed to him last week. His mom, Glenda,11) immediately that it was spelled Zachary Johnson. She didn'

t find that unusual because many people spell Zackary'

s name ______ (12). But the sender'

s pre-printed label made her confused. That name didn'

t ______ (13) up to anyone of her friends or relatives. She asked her husband, Do you ______ (14) this name? Nope, Steve responded and became somewhat ______ (15). Still, they agreed to ______ (16) the envelope to their son to see what was in it. Zack opened it to ______ (17) $20 in a birthday card that said Happy Birthday, Zachary! He was ______ (18) and was ready to go shopping! However, the ______ (19) increased for Glenda. The card was unsigned. She was wondering why a ______ (20) would send money to her son and ______ (21) he would know it was Zack'

s birthday. A variety of scenes can go ______ (22) parents'

minds, especially when they hear stories about Internet crimes. They knew they would have to make some inquiries not only to give them ______ (23), but also to protect their son. I know who that fellow is! He is an old farmer that lives out on Hillberry Road, Glenda'

s dad said when he was informed of the ______ (24). So the couple quickly drove out into the country and found the house. ______ (25), no one was home. Steve decided to leave a brief but ______ (26) message that 北京新东方优能中学&


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6 a call should be returned as soon as possible. The next day the old farmer called. The farmer'

s great grandson. Zachary Johnson, had recently moved with his parents to Heavenly Drive. That'

s the street where Zackary Johnson ______ (27). The farmer was sure surprised by the ______ (28) of events. He figured he'

d have to send another card to his grandson. But Zackary Johnson, who is turning eleven years old in a few days, did the right thing. He and his parents ______ (29) their way down Heavenly Drive to the home of Zachary Johnson who is turning four years old in a few days. They ______ (30) Zachary'

s great grandfather'

s card with the $20. Plus, Zackary Johnson wished Zachary Johnson a very Happy Birthday. 北京新东方优能中学&
