编辑: 黑豆奇酷 | 2019-07-08 |
s now or never. Now or never. Oliver: 就是机会难得,时不再来的意思. Feifei: About 60% of first-time buyers would consider borrowing five times their salary. Four out of five are willing to take on extra long term mortgages and nearly 40% would sign up for riskier interest-only mortgages. Oliver: Salary 收入,工资.这里指的是年薪.差不多 60% 的初次购房者将考虑借 自己年薪五倍左右的钱.而五分之四的人愿意延长还贷期限.更有将近四成的 人选择风险更高的仅付利息的贷款方式.Interest-only mortgage 是一种房 产抵押贷款的方式,是指在贷款初期仅归还贷款利息而不归还贷款本金. Feifei: It seems that these people are prepared to take a lot of risks when buying a house. But our financial adviser suggests they should save more money first. Let'
s look at a few words: interest Oliver: 利息. Feifei: Boiler. Oliver: 锅炉. Feifei: Furniture Oliver: 家具. Feifei: Utility bills. Oliver: 日常家庭开支.主要只水电等方面的开支. Insert They haven'
t thought about what happens if interest rates do rise, what happens if the boiler does decide to blow up C have they got enough money to buy furniture, have they got enough money to pay their utility bills? We'
ve seen energy prices increase quite a lot recently. Feifei: You'
re listening to BBC Learning English, today we are talking about first-time buyers in the UK. Some first-time buyers are very lucky to get help from their parents. Jo Hanks has been looking for a place, but without success. Insert It'
s frustrating and I think it makes me quite angry that I can'
t afford to buy a decent property in a decent area for a decent price. I think that should be open to everybody who'
s buying or who wants to buy. Feifei: Jo finds it very frustrating and she is angry that she can'
t afford to buy a decent property in a decent area for a decent price. Oliver: Frustrating 郁闷;
decent 像样的.Jo 觉得找房子让她非常郁闷.因为她不 能在一个她喜欢的理想的地区,用她认为合理的价格找到一所像样的房子.她 认为这应该象所有正在买房或想要买房的人开放. Feifei: But luckily, Jo'
s mum has offered to help. Insert I proposed it, and although she'
s rather reticent about it, it doesn'
t make any difference it'
s something I want to do. And if I was in the same situation I'
d like to think that somebody would help me in the same way. Oliver: 和很多人相比,Jo 应该算是幸运的了.因为她妈妈打算帮助她.Propose 计划、打算. Feifei: Jo is rather reticent about the offer. Reticent. Oliver: 沉默寡言,在这里的意思是有意回避,避而不谈 reticent. There are a lot of first-time buyers who get help from their parents. BBC reporter Richard Scott tells us more. Insert Today'
s report from Bradford &
Bingley says more than 40% of the first- time buyers now get help from their parents. A quarter of those parents raid their savings, whilst 3% re-mortgage their home. Feifei: According to the Bradford and Bingley report, more than 40% of the first-time buyers now get help from their parents. Oliver: 大约有 40% 的初次购房者从父母那里得到帮助,而在这些提供帮助的父母里 面又有四分之一的是倾其所有地帮助子女.同时还有 3% 的父母是通过把自 己地住房重新抵押的方式获得资金用来支持子女. Feifei: This housing expert does not think this is a good way of broadening home ownership. Insert That means that those who have, continue to have, it doesn'