编辑: hys520855 2019-07-08

二、中译英:(每题3分,共30分) 1. A New English-Chinese Dictionary that I brought here yesterday is very useful for translation 2. He worked hard even in summer with a view to attaining his aims 3. You're sure to succeed as long as you keep at it 4. You may ask the woman sifting at the desk. 5. The book is so difficult that it is beyond my comprehension. 6. Humming a tune, he went into his bedroom 7. There being no telling when he will be home, I'll have to go to bed now 8. Leaves are to the plant what lungs are to the animal (9524)《翻译理论与实践》令9. The family goes to church at

9 o'clock 10.Whose fault is it but hers?

三、英译中:(共20分) 世界贸易组织成立于

1995 年1月1日,目的是确保一个稳定的全球和贸易经济环境. 在当今世界上的190多个国家中,世界贸易组织的成员国有158个.在处理国家之间的 贸易规则方面,世界贸易组织是唯一的全球性国际组织.世界组织的事务应该引起我们 的关注,因为世贸组织制定的规则对我们国家的经济和国民生活都有一定的影响.

四、中译英:(共20分) Judging from the current research, cloning technology still has many defects/flaws, and this is the reason (why) many scientists are opposed to human cloning. It is true that in recent years they have succeeded in cloning animals such as sheep, pigs, and cats, but with a very low rate of success. Experts of American medical research institutes have found that the cloned animals, however healthy they might appear at birth, are bound to have health problems later on. Therefore, they believe it to be unsafe and even immoral to clone human beings t案第l页共1页
