编辑: JZS133 | 2019-07-08 |
一、培养目标 Ⅰ.
Program Objectives 本专业将培养德、智、体全面发展,具有通信工程领域系统、扎实的理论基础,具有工程实 践和创新能力的高素质科技人才. 本专业的毕业生将掌握信息科学领域内基础理论知识,获得从信息获取、传递、处理到应用 等各方面的基本专业知识,掌握现代通信系统、通信网络的基本原理和技术,具有较强的参与设 计、开发通信系统的工程实践能力.毕业生将具有较强的专业英语能力、良好的人文素质和创新 精神,成为能在信息和通信技术产业的科研部门、高等院校从事通信系统与工程的设计、集成及 开发等工作的研究型或应用型人才. This program is designed to produce fully-developed engineers in morality, intelligence and heath that are trained to develop the fundamental theories and skills, a consolidated knowledge structure, and to be enhanced with hands-on engineering experiences and innovative initiatives in telecommunications engineering. The graduates in this program are required to develop the systems and technologies which drive the information age, from acquiring information, transmission, processing to application. They are required to master the basic theories and skills in modern communication systems and communication networks. They are able to participate in the design and development of various communication and information systems. The graduates are equipped with strong profession English in communication engineering, good personality and innovative initiatives. They are qualified to design, integrate and develop communication systems and technologies in information and communications industries, research institutes, universities and other related communities.
二、基本规格要求 Ⅱ.Highlights 毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力: 1.具有较扎实的数理基础,具有较强的英语语言能力;
2. 掌握文献检索和撰写科技论文的方法,了解信息学科的发展动态和理论前沿;
3. 理解信息科学的基本理论和方法,具有研究实际问题的能力 4.掌握通信系统、通信网络的原理与技术,具有参与设计和开发的实践能力;
6.具有较强的团队合作和科技创新精神. Students are expected to acquire the following knowledge or skills: 1. Consolidated background in both mathematics and physics and strong English capabilities;
2. Skills in searching literatures and writing technical report, and familiar with the development trends in the information discipline and research frontiers;
3. Understanding of basic theories and methods in information science, and research capabilities of real engineering problems;
4.Mastering principles and technologies in communication systems and networks, and participate in the design and development of information systems;
5.Sound knowledge in humanities-and-art and good personality;
6.Cooperative attitude as a team player and strong innovative initiatives. 华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划 ・2・
三、培养特色 Ⅲ.Program Features 本专业将以通信系统、通信网络、多媒体通信等信息系统的设计与应用为方向,着重培养学 生在电子技术、通信系统等方面的理论基础,培养学生参与多种通信系统的设计与开发的工程实 践和创新能力.修完本专业课程后,学生也可选择攻读电子科学、通信工程、计算机科学、自动 化、光电信息等领域的研究生. This program focuses on the design and applications of information systems in communication systems, communication networks and multimedia communications. Students are required to construct solid and broad theoretical background in electronics and communications, and they are enhanced with the hands-on engineering experiences and innovative initiatives in the design and development of multiple information systems. Upon graduation, graduates may choose to continue their study at the postgraduate level in electronic science, communication engineering, computer science, automation, optical-electronic and related areas.