编辑: 丶蓶一 2019-07-09

3 .并提供保函给客服.保函需 要有单号、箱号、有效期等信息,由shipper 的盖章或使用 shipper 公司抬头的格式.保函中必须含有以 下声明: This cotton can be shipped as non-dangerous goods as it is carried in closed cargo units and has a density of not less than

360 kg / m3 according to ISO standard

8115 (1986). 八 机器/车/机械配件 Machine/Car 如果货物内不含机油和电池,请在订舱后提供中/英文对照版无油断电保函给客服直接放舱;

如果货 物内含有电池和机油,电池必须是全新未使用并符合运输要求(请参考第

9 条电池类货物说明).请分别发 送相关 MSDS 给客服鉴定,鉴定为非危险品后可以放舱. 中英文对照保函内容应保函: 提单号;





货物品名及以下必要 引用条款;

并落款加盖发货人公章. We confirm that the vehicle offered for shipment complies with the requirements of IMDG code Special Provision

961 and that the fuel tank(s) of the vehicle is empty and installed batteries are protected from short circuit 九 电池 Battery 部分电池需按危险品操作.按非危险品操作电池所有电池需发送 MSDS 文件审核且需要提供以下声 明, 废旧电池不接. The batteries comply and have been tested in accordance with the applicable. Special Provision of the IMDG Code (Latest valid version 37-14) - SP188, 230, 238, 239, 240, 295, 310, 328, 360,

376 or 377. 十 种子 Seeds 种子类货物受热受潮后可能发芽或膨胀,容易对箱体和货物本身造成损害.因此请遵循以 下包装规范: 1. 客人应自行确保包装内没有湿度很大(建议不超过 8%)的物品;

2. 避免货物直接接触湿源,避免直接接触集装箱壁和地板. 十一 液袋 Flexi tank 包装为液袋的货物,需向客服提供液袋生产厂家信息(如液袋内为化工品,还需提供合格的 MSDS 文件) ,确认两项均合格后,方可放舱. 且客人需在订舱品名或订舱备注处填写:Flexi tank 以便系统识别 液袋货物. 十二 饲料 Feed 对于大豆蛋白/喷浆玉米皮/玉米蛋白粉/玉米淀粉等相关品名,请按一般化工品订舱.该品名由相关技术 部门鉴定,请务必提前安排订舱并提供完整的审核资料以免影响货物出运. 大豆蛋白/喷浆玉米皮/玉米蛋白粉/玉米淀粉等相关品名需要提供的审核资料如下: 1.MSDS with oil &

moisture content 含有水油比例的 MSDS 2.Shippers declaration duly stamped and signed with booking no. stating that cargo does not fall under seedcake as per IMDG code and that cargo does not have any self-heating properties 带有 shipper 公司抬头/shipper 章并且内容为 cargo does not fall under seedcake as per IMDG code and that cargo does not have any self-heating properties 的客户声明 3.Photos of cargo 货物照片 4.Photos of packaging. If in bulk, shipper must explain how the container will be covered inside (linerbag, plastic etc) 货物包装照片 5.Photos of stuffed container with open door and visible container no.带有箱号的半开门装箱照片(可装 箱后提供) 十三 严禁运输的品名 1. Asbestos 石棉(及各种石棉制品) 2. Bleaching powder 漂粉精 3. Calcium Hypochlorite(including Calcium Hypochlorite, Clear Aqua Agent, Bleaching Powder, Lime Chlorite, Chlorite) 次氯酸钙/漂白粉 4. tantalum/tantalite 钽/钽铁矿 5. Shark/Whale Products 任何鲨鱼/鲸鱼产品 6. radioactive commodities 放射性类物品 7. Iron fines, DRI (direct reduced iron) 铁粉/铁屑 8. Thiourea(Including Thiourea Dioxide, Aminoiminomethane, Formamidine, Suphinic Acid) 硫脲 9. seed cake/seed meal (including Animal feed, fertilizer, coconut meal, cottonseed meal, nut meal, linseed Maize Meal, Niger seed meal, Palm kernel meal, rape seed meal, rice bran meal, soya bean meal, sunflower seed meal and all other kind of -meal or -cake)粕饼 ........
