编辑: 5天午托 | 2019-07-09 |
33 year, Madame Tussaud took her exhibition :J around the British Isles. Then, in 1835, she found a permanent 'home" for the waxworks in Baker Street, in London. In 1850, Ma山me Tussaud died. She was eighty-nine. Her sons inherited the business and, in 1884, her grandsons moved the exhibition to Marylebone Road,. where it sUU is today. Now, more than two and a half million people from all over the world vjsit Madame Tussaud's every 赞It's 呼卿popular tourist attraction in Great Britain he-listen吨activities ;
1 Specific s扭p5: Reasons for your design: ;
2 Spectic steps: ,In. 7?爪MMc .nnrri4;
Francois Tussaud,. a Frenchengineer, but aftez only @even she left him and moved to England with her older later. 今瞥 We1t 呼to her htban4.or to France. bob午厂峪' 《英语教学法(1)》诈Reasons 和r your design: Activity
3 Specific steps: Reasons for your design: 仁题 卜华 第2页共2页!tll-11)-Jlll-!-IIJI-D考JJ生~~嘴答津题l不!得!过盯f此!线!于l卜l卜1111卜l-lljl巨口 试卷代号:6.抖 座位号 题号 I I! III 总分 得分 考l生!答!题!不!得l过D汁此l00密00封00线得分 评卷人 Part! Fill in the blanks with correct information. (30%) 6o69- 《英语教学法 ,
1 0
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 气、J呀'为石U叮才O凡广东开放大学
2016 年上半年期末考试 英语(教)专业《英语教学法【1]》答题纸
2016 年7月 )一O一O一 佳考证号 补、 笋生证号 一〔卜O一 生名 交(工作站)
0 0 Part II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write I for true and F for false. (20%) 得分 评卷人 1. 2. 3. -D牛_5._ 6. 7. 8. 9.
10 _ Part
10 (50%) 得分 评卷人 Design a listening lesson as required. Imagine that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class, think about the pre-reading activities you might design for it Pit-leading activities Activity I Spec价C steps: Reasons for your design: (1)》答题纸第1页共1页Activity
2 S班ci1ic steps Reasons for your design: Aetlvity
3 Specific steps: Reasons for your design: 《英语教学法(1)》I 考l生l答l题l不l得l过l-L此l线…Oa密00封aa线aa3题纸第2页共2页 答案代号: 6比今 广东开放大学
2016 年上半年期末考试 英语(教)专业《英语语法【1]》答案
2016 年7月} Part I. Fill 址the blanks with correct information. (30%, two points each)
1 .formalized routines and chunks of language 2.the teaching of English as a second language
3 Presentation, Practice and Production 4.students' communicative competence 5. oral communication 6.what the learner has to do in the language
7 .generative-transformational grammar 8.The European Community 9.Explain and analyze the target language in the students' mother tongue
1 O.back-channel responses, utterance completion
11 .the vocabulary and grammar structure, the skills required in 帅ical situations I 2.English novels, poems, advertisements, instruction manuals, songs, films, lectures, speeches, radio announcements, news reports, etc I 3.communicative strategies 14.convey meanings effectively and pay greater attention to the social context in which the interaction takes place,role-play 15.Dell Hymes Part IL Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for fake. (20%, two points each) 1.1 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.1 6.T 7.F B 「 9.T 10.T Part III (50%) Design a listen恤g lesson as required. Imagine that you would teach this text to a senior middle school class. Think about the pre-listening activities you might design for it. (The original text is provided for the reference of makers.) 匆6斗 《英语语法("》答案 Madame Tussaud was born in Strasbourg in 1761. Her name was Marie Grosholtz. Her mother became housekeeper to a doctor in Switzerland called Dr Philippe Curtius. It was this man who taught Marie how to make wax models. When Dr Curtius moved to Paris, he took Marie and her mother with him. Ip' Paris, the doctor and Marie made wax models of famous people and he opened a waxworks museum. And then, when he died, in 1794, Marie took over the waxworks exhibition. In 1795, Marie married Francois Tussau 氏aFrench engineer, but after only seven years she left him and moved to England with her older son. Her younger son joined them later. She never went back to her husband or to France For