编辑: xiong447385 2019-07-10
江西省南昌市2015中等学校招生考试 英语试题参考答案

一、听力测试(共25小题,每小题1分) 1~5 BBCAC 6~10 BBACB 11~15 ACBCA 16~20 ABCCA 21.

clothes 22. two nights 23.learned/learnt/was taught 24.a bike/a bicycle 25.521-6937

二、语言知识应用(共30 小题,每小题1 分) 26-30 BDCDA 31-35 CACDB 36-40 BDDAB 41-45 GFCAI 46-50 BJDHE 51-55 DEAFB

三、完形填空(共20 小题,每小题1 分) 56-60 BACCD 61-65 BADDB 66.wild 67.has 68.life 69.trees 70.carry 71.well 72.Another 73.so 74.to control 75.usually

四、阅读理解(共15 小题,每小题2 分) 76-78 ACD 79-81 DCA 82-85 BBCD 86-90 BEAFC

五、书面表达(共15 分) Possible Version 1: East, west, hone's best There is an old saying, "East, west, hone's best."I live in a house in the countryside. There 's a big living room, three bedrooms, a kitchen and a washroom in it. There're some trees and flowers around my house. The air is really clean. And I often hear birds singing. There're four people in my family. They 're my parents, my sister and I.We 're helpful and friendly. And we always get on well with each other. I'm happy I have a good family. I will do what I can to help do more housework and farmwork. I 'll study harder so that I can make more money in the future. With our effort, I 'm sure my home will be better and better. Possible Version 2: East, west, hone's best There is an old saying, "East, west, home's best."I live in an apartment. There is a sitting room, a dining room, two bedrooms, a washroom, a kitchen and a study in it. Thanks to my mother, my home is always clean and tidy. The flowers in the sitting room look lovely. My apartment is not big, because there are only three people in my family, my father, my mother and I. Sometimes my parents argue, but usually they get on very well. They love me and I love them, too. Everyone needs a good home. I 'll do my best to make my home better. I 'll study harder to make my parents happier and I 'll do what I can to improve our living environment. 评分意见:

(一)总体原则 考查学生综合运用语言的能力,注重语言表达的意义和流畅性.

(二)内容要点 1.居室2.居住环境3.家庭成员4.家庭成员之间的关系5.如何让你的家更美好

(三)评分档次 1.第一档( 13-15 分) 信息完整,表达流畅,无语言错误或基本无语言错误. 2.第二档( 10-12 分) 信息基本完整,表达较流畅,有少量错误,但不影响意思表达. 3.第三档( 7-9 分) 能传递部分信息,表达不够流畅,但句子基本可读. 4.第四档( 4-6 分) 只能传递少量信息,表达不通顺,只有少量句子可读. 5.第五档( 1-3 分) 只能传递个别信息,表达不清楚,只有个别句子可读.

(四)建议 第1 至第4 个内容要点,各位2.5 分,第5 个内容要点为5 分. 英语试题卷听力材料 现在是试听时间,请听一段对话,然后回答问题. M: I'm going shopping, Mum. Do you need anything? W: Yes, get some apples and some oranges to make juice with. M: Well, we already have lots of oranges. W: OK, just some apples then. 答案是C. 试听到此结束 听力测试现在开始 A) 请听下面6段对话.每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑.听完每段对话后, 你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅 读下一小题.每段对话读两遍. 1.W: Hey,dear. It 's quite today.Where are the kids? M:They are having fun outside. Mario is playing basketball. Caral is swimming and Bill is playing soccer. 2.W: Dave,where are you? What are you doing? M:Mum,don 't worry! I 'm at Paul's. We're listening to music. W:Well.don 't be home late. M:OK,mum. 3.M: Excuse me,how can I get to the airport? W:You can take the subway.There aren 't any buses or taxis at this time. 4.W:Eric,how long did you stay in France? M:12 years.But then I left France when I was 18. W:And when did you come to Canada? M:I came here
