编辑: huangshuowei01 | 2019-07-10 |
19 m the Zhiyan xiaoshuo con iaoshuo daxi ( 大学中文学院 m?the?Sedu e?Chinese?La 者: fessor?Chan?H 宾Discussan ? 年11 月21 日 地点 D?121,?Run?Ru 演 总体上属於一 汇宝――明清 汉文艳情小说 本将如何叙写 学术报告人以 e-modern Ch exts only rar resided over fiction from editing of w in the origin ast Asia.
Thi the history of ate relations ure to they c hinese langua secret garde 家,曾任法国 艳情小说等,是 楼梦脂评研究 东亚汉文小说 Ho is an int ientifique (C hinese langu nal recogniti dited, include 969, Hong Ko nzhai edition ngkan (Collec (Compendiu 2018/19 学术 ctions?of?Hi anguage?Er ( Hing?Ho?(Cen nts: ? 日(周三)下点:香港大学百 n?Shaw?Towe 演讲语言? Lan 一种灰色存在 艳情小说丛刊 说,筚路蓝缕, 写艳情?其间蕴 以及与谈嘉宾, hina led in th rely garnere r the compila m the Ming works from d nal collection s pioneering f fiction. So w , how did w contain? And age erotic fic n concealed 国国家科学研 是国际学术界 究》 (1969) 、 丛刊》 (1987 ternationally CNRS). Over uage East As on of the im e Honglomeng ong), Xinbian ns of The Sto ctanea of Ch um of Chines 术研究讲座
2 istory:?Textu rotic?Fiction (法国国 ntre?Nationa ? Profe ? Prof ? 下午
4 点30 分 百周年校园逸 er,?Centennial? nguage:? 普通 在,历经禁毁, 刊》 ,将分藏於 ,聚沙成塔, 蕴含著怎样的 ,将引领众 he main a sh ed attention ation and pr and Qing deposits arou n, while also g and painst we might no works of ero d what kind ction of East within the e 研究中心(C.N 界关於东亚汉文 《新编石头记 7\2003) 、 《域yrenowned F his career hi sian fiction, a mportance of g Zhi ping ya n shitouji zhi ory of the St hinese langu se fiction in f 2018/19 Sch ual?and?Oth n?of?Pre\Mo 国家科学 al?de?la?Reche essor?Wu?Cu essor?Pan?Jia 分;
21?Novem 逸夫教学楼
12 Campus,?The 通话? Putonghu ,转为秘藏, 於世界各地的 其小说史意 的性心理和性 众一起步入这 hadowy exis or attracted rinting of Siw dynasties, p und the world o extending aking work ow ask, in Ea otic fiction co ds of new int Asia? Profes everyday wor N.R.S)研究员 文小说、古代 记脂砚斋评语 域外汉文小说大 French Sinol is research h and pre-mod these fields anjiu (A Stud iyanzhai ping one, 1979, Ta uage fiction f oreign collec hool of Chine her?Questio dern?East?A 学研究中 erche?Scient uncun?(香港大 anguo?(北京 mber?2018?(W