编辑: huangshuowei01 2019-07-10
? 庆浩 作L 莫如 可以 view Prof proj iden supp erot rem delic psyc thro lead 楼梦 已刊 小说 Nati Drea prom pub Zhiy anno Dong Yuw Su Sp 时间 古代中国的 浩教授主持编印 L补,并扩展至 如深的东亚社会 以开掘的学术面 The erotic w, and as a fessor Chan ect reprodu ntification, co plementation ic fiction fro arkable cont cacy surroun chology and ough research d the audienc 陈庆浩,法梦》 、东亚汉文 刊著作及主编丛 说丛刊》 (1995 Professor C ional de la R am of the Red moting wide lications, aut yanzhai com otations from gya Hanwen wai Hanwen xi 香港大 rfacing?from the 演讲者 peaker:?Profe 与谈嘉宾 Time:2018 Venue:?CPD 的艳情小说,总印《思无邪汇 至整个东亚汉 会,小说文本 面向?本次学 fiction of pre result its te Hing Ho pr ucing erotic ollation, and n of lacunae om across Ea tribution to t nding intima sexual cultu h into the Ch ce through a 法国著名汉学 小说、古代艳 丛刊有: 《红5\1997) 、 《东Chan Hing H Recherche Sci d Chamber, Ch er internation thored or ed mmentary,

19 m the Zhiyan xiaoshuo con iaoshuo daxi ( 大学中文学院 m?the?Sedu e?Chinese?La 者: fessor?Chan?H 宾Discussan ? 年11 月21 日 地点 D?121,?Run?Ru 演 总体上属於一 汇宝――明清 汉文艳情小说 本将如何叙写 学术报告人以 e-modern Ch exts only rar resided over fiction from editing of w in the origin ast Asia.

Thi the history of ate relations ure to they c hinese langua secret garde 家,曾任法国 艳情小说等,是 楼梦脂评研究 东亚汉文小说 Ho is an int ientifique (C hinese langu nal recogniti dited, include 969, Hong Ko nzhai edition ngkan (Collec (Compendiu 2018/19 学术 ctions?of?Hi anguage?Er ( Hing?Ho?(Cen nts: ? 日(周三)下点:香港大学百 n?Shaw?Towe 演讲语言? Lan 一种灰色存在 艳情小说丛刊 说,筚路蓝缕, 写艳情?其间蕴 以及与谈嘉宾, hina led in th rely garnere r the compila m the Ming works from d nal collection s pioneering f fiction. So w , how did w contain? And age erotic fic n concealed 国国家科学研 是国际学术界 究》 (1969) 、 丛刊》 (1987 ternationally CNRS). Over uage East As on of the im e Honglomeng ong), Xinbian ns of The Sto ctanea of Ch um of Chines 术研究讲座

2 istory:?Textu rotic?Fiction (法国国 ntre?Nationa ? Profe ? Prof ? 下午

4 点30 分 百周年校园逸 er,?Centennial? nguage:? 普通 在,历经禁毁, 刊》 ,将分藏於 ,聚沙成塔, 蕴含著怎样的 ,将引领众 he main a sh ed attention ation and pr and Qing deposits arou n, while also g and painst we might no works of ero d what kind ction of East within the e 研究中心(C.N 界关於东亚汉文 《新编石头记 7\2003) 、 《域yrenowned F his career hi sian fiction, a mportance of g Zhi ping ya n shitouji zhi ory of the St hinese langu se fiction in f 2018/19 Sch ual?and?Oth n?of?Pre\Mo 国家科学 al?de?la?Reche essor?Wu?Cu essor?Pan?Jia 分;

21?Novem 逸夫教学楼

12 Campus,?The 通话? Putonghu ,转为秘藏, 於世界各地的 其小说史意 的性心理和性 众一起步入这 hadowy exis or attracted rinting of Siw dynasties, p und the world o extending aking work ow ask, in Ea otic fiction co ds of new int Asia? Profes everyday wor N.R.S)研究员 文小说、古代 记脂砚斋评语 域外汉文小说大 French Sinol is research h and pre-mod these fields anjiu (A Stud iyanzhai ping one, 1979, Ta uage fiction f oreign collec hool of Chine her?Questio dern?East?A 学研究中 erche?Scient uncun?(香港大 anguo?(北京 mber?2018?(W
