编辑: hys520855 2019-07-10
嵌入式操作系统UC/OSII 及其在ARM 中的应用1本科毕业设计(论文) 题目: 嵌入式操作系统 UC/OSII 及其在 ARM 中的应用 作者: 张伟 指导教师: 张先庭 专业名称: 电子信息工程 班级学号:

02041237 答辩时间:

2006 年6月18 日 电子信息工程学院 嵌入式操作系统UC/OSII 及其在ARM 中的应用2嵌入式操作系统 UC/OSII 及其在 ARM 中的应用 学生姓名:张伟 班级:020412 指导老师:张先庭 摘要:嵌 入式操作系统作为当前一项热门的技术大量应用于工程和日常生活等各个领域.

当前流行的嵌入式操作系统有linux,win ce, UC/OSII 等等.而对于规模比较小的系统,UC/OSII 则以实时行强,内核公开,系 统稳定,易 于学习和开发等特点受到广大技术人员和嵌入式爱好者的青睐.ARM 系列处理器,以其功能强大,易于应用和价格低廉等有点常常作为嵌入式移植的目标芯片.而今在ARM 系列处理器移植UC/OSII 已经成为嵌入式领域的一个亮点,广泛应用于包括在航空航天,军工等产品之中,成为广受关注的新型技术.本文设计一个以飞利浦LPC2104 处理器为核心的硬件系统,并 通过对UC/OSII 的启动代码等的修改,把其移植到这个以ARM7 为内核处理器中.同时,通过74HC195 等芯片,扩展数码管,按键等外围器件.在移植完成之后,通 过编写几个如键盘响应,数 码管显示等小的实时任务来验证移植的正确行和多任务系统的运行状态.经过设计、制 作 ,完 成了UC/OSII 的移植,并 实现了多任务的执行.系统在进行数码管循环显示的同时,能 够实时被多个更高优先级的任务中断,当处理完成后,转为执行低优先级任务.达到系统设计要求.关键词: 嵌入 式UC/OSII arm 实时任务 指导老师签名: 嵌入式操作系统UC/OSII 及其在ARM 中的应用3An embedded operating system UC/OSII and its application in the arm Student name:zhang wei class:020412 Supervisor:zhang xianting Abstract: an embedded operating system, as currently a large number of hot technologies and their application to engineering fields. An embedded operating system popular with the current linux,win ce, UC/OSII etc. As for the relatively small size of the system, UC/OSII is good at strong real-time, core open system stability, ease of learning and development ,so a large of characteristics of the technical staff and an embedded favored lovers like to use it. Arm series processors, with its powerful, easy to use and as it is very cheap, often use as a plug-in a transplant goals chips. Now in arm series processors transplant UC/OSII has become a bright spot in an embedded field, including widespread use in aerospace, industrial products, new technologies become widespread concern. The design of a Philips LPC2104 processor at the core hardware system, and through to changes the code to UC/OSII to transplant it to the ARM7 core processor. At the same time, through such chips 74HC195 expand digital control, click on the external device. In the transplant is complete, through the preparation of a response, such as keyboards, digital and real-time shows and other small tasks to the correct line and certification transplant operation of multi-mission system. After the design, production, and completed UC/OSII transplant, and to achieve a multi-task implementation. Digital control system in that 嵌入式操作系统UC/OSII 及其在ARM 中的应用4cycle, it can be more immediate level higher priority task interrupted when processing is completed, to the implementation of low-priority-level tasks. now Meet system design requirements. Key words: embedded UC/OSII arm real-time task Supervisor signatures: 嵌入式操作系统UC/OSII 及其在ARM 中的应用5目录
