编辑: wtshxd 2019-07-11

8 B ?ux. The mea- sured ?ux is in very good agreement with solar model calcu- lations [10, 11, 13, 14] . The favored interpretation of these results is that neutri- nos undergo oscillations between ?avor states given by lin- ear combinations of the non-degenerate mass eigenstates as described in the Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata-Pontecorvo (MNSP) framework [15]. For the case of

8 B solar neutrinos, the measurements support the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) [16] hypothesis of matter enhanced oscillation, where electron neutrinos experience an additional interaction, com- pared with muon or tau neutrinos, in the presence of matter that can enhance neutrino oscillations. The SNO data, when combined with other solar neutrino measurements and reac- tor antineutrino results from the KamLAND experiment [17], show that neutrino oscillations are the dominant cause of ?a- vor transformation and signi?cantly restrict the allowed range of the relevant neutrino mixing parameters. In terms of neutrino mass and mixing parameters ?m2 and tan2 θ, solar neutrino data favor the so-called Large Mixing Angle (LMA) region. Maximal mixing is ruled out with a high-degree of con?dence. The present paper extends the analysis to a total of

391 live days of SNO data from the salt phase, provides new results for the integral ?uxes, and provides the CC energy spectrum and day-night spectral asymmetries. The values for tan2 θ and ?m2 are updated using a two-neutrino oscillation anal- ysis. The pape........
