编辑: ACcyL 2019-07-11
才学小说《镜花缘》 Flowers in the Mirror as an Erudite Fiction 林晓茹 哲学硕士学位课程 主导老师:黄子平 香港浸会大学 二四年一月 ii 提 提要 要 《镜花缘》是李汝珍写成於清嘉庆末年的章回小说.

由於它内容庞杂,风格独 特,鲁迅谓之「清之以小说见才学」者也,故被称为「才学小说」 .一直以来, 《镜 花缘》不乏研究者且论题广泛,惜真正对「才学小说」的进一步探讨却不多,故本 文拟由此切入展开研究.才学小说《镜花缘》无疑应被视作文人小说的其中一个分 支.李汝珍以小说炫才、以文为戏的创作意图,使小说形成了 「文人」 特有的风格, 其中的焦点是反讽的修辞文体 .这与明代后期的文人小说 、评点之学有密切的关系. 除了继承文人小说的共同特点,作为一部才学小说, 《镜花缘》的独特性在於 对「才学」前所未有的重视.炫耀才学是对个人才华的自信,更是时代风尚冲击下 的反思,以「才女」作为小说才学的主体,则源於李氏对「才」的独立性的肯定. 在才学内容方面,旧学与新知并列,旧学注入了新元素,新知瞥见旧学影子,新与 旧混杂,正反映了明清之际文人面对的局面.随著外来文化大量输入,传统知识架 构正在产生异动,这诸般的徵兆渗透於小说炫耀的才学之中,由「天下」融入「万国」的天下观的转变更具体地表现在对海外世界的想像.稍后的晚清,面对著严峻 的外来挑战,如此炫耀「中国文化的理想与乐趣」的小说虽成绝响, 《镜花缘》的 新旧杂陈却使之历久常新. iii A Ab bs st tr ra ac ct t Flowers in the Mirror is a major work of Qing fiction written by a mid-Qing scholar Li Ruzhen (c. 1763-1830). Comparing with other contemporary works, Flowers in the Mirror characterized itself with its sophistication in content and uniqueness in style. Lu Xun labeled it as "a work employed by its author to show off his ingenuity and knowledge among the Qing novels," and it was consequently labeled "an erudite novel" by some later critics. Though the Flowers in the Mirror has attracted a great deal of attention of modern scholarship, the eruditeness of the Flowers in the Mirror has been to some extent neglected by modern scholars. This thesis, with emphasis on the eruditeness of the Flowers in the Mirror, attempts to reveal the traits of scholarly novels as a sub-genre of fictional writings, and regards the Flowers in the Mirror as a mature representative of Qing scholarly novels. In this thesis, I will also discuss the features of the Flowers in the Mirror and other scholarly novels in many respects, especially the ironic rhetoric employed by those scholar-novelists. The uniqueness of the Flowers in the Mirror is in debt to the author's encyclopedic knowledge. Li Ruzhen's enthusiasm to show off his intelligence and knowledge, partly due to his self confidence as a scholar, was rooted primarily in the intellectual climate from late Ming to mid-Qing. This thesis, therefore, will also examine Li' s Confucianism-based knowledge, and its initial encounter with foreign culture. As I observe it, many of Li' s innovative ideas descended n ot only from traditional Chinese culture, but also from those cultures alien to China. Unlike his contemporaries, Li Ruzhen was quite open-minded to the new coming knowledge from different cultures, and was intended to re-examine our own cultural heritage. The Flowers in the Mirror demonstrates Li' s search for a culturally unified society under Confucian ideal. iv After all, Li Ruzhen represents the last model of Qing scholar-novelists who were gifted with encyclopedic knowledge and had enthusiastic admiration to his own cultural attributes and legacies. The cultural confrontation and conflicts between China and the West increased dramatically after the death of Li Ruzhen. The Qing scholarly novels hence concluded with the dwindling of the last dynasty. vi 目 目录 录 声明 i 提要 ii Abstract iii 谢 谢辞 辞vv
