编辑: 贾雷坪皮 | 2019-07-11 |
3 events at 3* and 4* level in the past
24 months - Confirmed judges are FWQ judges who have judged a minimum of
3 events in the last
24 months - Rookies are judges with no judging experience or who have judged less than
3 events in the last
24 months 4* events 3* events 2* and 1* events Only senior judges Maximum
1 rooky per panel Maximum
2 rookies per panel (but in this case lead by one senior judge!) Mixed nationalities (1 foreign per panel min)
1 foreign judge (at least one) Can be only national judges In order to have an event running smoothly and without too much waiting between runs, in FWQ and FJT events with more than
80 riders, two judge panels are obligatory (special cases to be validated by the Advisor) in order to alternate categories and always have an athlete riding down while the other judges panel is taking notes. The same judge panel has to judge the full category. For FWQ events with over
80 riders the SKI judges panel could judge only SKI Men when the SNOWBOARD judges panel could judge the other
3 categories (SKI Women, SNB Men, SNB Women) which would result in a faster running event and the approximate same number of riders to judge for each panel. 1.4.Live Judging In freeride events with a live broadcasting (Web or TV) and based on the method used for scoring (live scoring or delayed scoring), the Organizer will chose in between the two following options:
2 judges and a head-judge (which score counts for the result) for delayed scoring events, or
3 judges and a head-judge (which score doesn'
t count) for live scoring events. In this second case, the head-judge is looking carefully at the previewed new ranking each time a rider gets his score. He asks his judges if they are happy with the rank of the last judged rider or if they want to quickly adapt their scores in order to rank this last rider more accurately based on the overall impression. The final score given live on screen cannot be changed once it is sent. If judges cannot agree on a score live, they will tell TV crew that the run will be reviewed on the next possible break. Exceptions will only be made if: - The score has been entered wrong on screen - If a rider was penalized for riding into a closed area but judges were wrong about the limits of the closed area - If a rider falls after the end-of-judging line but still got penalized for it 1.5.Becoming a Freeride judge If you want to become a judge, ask for judging files to [email protected] and complete them while watching the judging video under: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnBlfJiY-wM 1.6.Judges Level During the first(s) competition(s) he is working on, the freshly certified judge is supervise........