编辑: 飞鸟 | 2019-07-13 |
1 2524.8 65.7 32.5 667.9 3850.6 100.8 51.7 65.6 311.1 8.8 2.8 86.8 411.5 11.6 3.8 54.4 242.3 7.5 2.0 95.3 424.6 13.2 3.5 219.0 1503.9 16.1 38.0 389.8 2676.4 28.8 67.6 703.4 3133.9 97.6 25.9 861.6 3839.1 119.6 31.7 -51.2 -300.2 -10.3 -4.6 -82.5 -488.7 -17.8 -8.1 1431.2 7415.9 185.5 96.6 2018.9 10713.4 256.2 183.9 29.1% 30.8% 27.6% 47.5% Note: Value of the referenced product is calculated based on the functional factor. Functional factor: 1.225 Reduction ratio Components Raw materials Target Product:EJA-E series (Model code: EJA110E-JMS0G-910NN) Referenced Product:EJA-A series (Model code: EJA110A-EMS0B-20NN) Total Disposal Consumption Logistics Machining and assembly Results of Life Cycle Assessment Energy CO2 Emission NOX Emission SOX Emission Energy CO2 Emission NOX Emission SOX Emission -500
0 500
1000 1500
2000 2500 Raw materials Components Machining and assembly Logistics Consumption Disposal Total CO2 emissions reduction ratio: 30.8(%) Energy(MJ) CO
2 (*0.1kg) NO X (g) SO X (g) Referenced Product: EJA-A series Target Product: EJA-E series