编辑: 梦里红妆 2019-07-14

2006 until January

2010 and currently an executive director and chairman of MAH. Mr. Peng has also served as the chairman of MAC, since January 2005, a managing director and assistant president of TPG (HK), since June 2005, a managing director of TPG, since April 2007, a vice president of TPG and TPG (HK) since October

2008 and the chairman of TPI since March 2010. Mr. Peng has also served as the chairman of China Taiping Insurance (Macau) Co. Ltd., from November

2008 to May 2009. He is currently a member of the board of supervisors of TPL, a director of TPP and a director of TPAM. Prior to joining TPG and its subsidiaries, Mr. Peng was a director and executive vice president of Sinosafe General Insurance Company Limited in Shenzhen, as well as the general manager of the Economics Development Department and Strategy Management Department of Overseas Chinese Town Holding Company in Shenzhen. Mr. Peng was the chairman of the Chinese Insurance Association of Hong Kong from February

2006 until February 2008. He is currently the director of the Chinese Insurance Association of Hong Kong. Mr. Peng is a senior economist with over

18 years of experience in insurance and strategic management. Mr. Ng Yu Lam Kenneth, aged 61, is the chief executive officer and an executive director of the Company. Mr. Ng is a fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute of the United Kingdom. He has more than

30 years of experience in the insurance industry. Mr. Ng is a managing director and assistant president of TPG (HK). In December 1980, Mr. Ng joined TPRe and was appointed as the chief executive officer and chairman of TPRe in

2004 and

2008 respectively. He is also a director of TPL and TPI and was appointed as the vice chairman of TPI since August 2009. Mr. Shen Koping Michael, aged 41, is the deputy chief executive officer and an executive director of the Company. He was previously the chief financial officer of the Company. Mr. Shen is also the deputy managing director and a director of TPA (HK), and is a member of the board of supervisors of TPL. Prior to joining the Company, he was an executive director in the Financial Institutions Group of the Investment Banking Division at Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. ( Goldman Sachs ). Mr. Shen was responsible for marketing and executing corporate finance and mergers/acquisitions transactions for financial institutions in the Asia ex-Japan region. During his seven years at Goldman Sachs, Mr. Shen developed in-depth knowledge in advising insurance and asset management companies on strategic and operational matters. Mr. Shen received a Juris Doctorate degree with honors in

1994 from Harvard Law School, where he was an executive editor of the Harvard Law Review. Mr. Shen graduated first in his class and received a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service with highest honors in

1991 from Georgetown University, where he majored in International Politics/Relations. Mr. Lau Siu Mun Sammy, aged 51, is an executive director of the Company, and is responsible for the reinsurance operations of TPRe. Mr. Lau is also a director of TPI, TPRe and TPRB. Mr. Lau holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute of the United Kingdom. Mr. Lau joined TPRe in July 1981. He has been the general manager of TPRe since March 2004. 中国太平保险控股有限公司

2009 年报

141 董事、公司秘书及财务总监之履历 彭伟先生,44岁,本公司执行董事.彭先生持有北京大学理学硕士学位.彭先生於二零零一年加入中国太平香港任职 副总经理,自始曾出任中国太平香港多个高级管理职位,包括执行董事、总经理及行政总裁,现时为执行董事及副董 事长.彼在二零零六年九月至二零一零年一月出任民安控股行政总裁,现时为执行董事及董事长.彭先生亦自二零零 五年一月起出任民安中国董事长.自二零零五年六月起出任中国太平集团 (香港) 常务董事及总经理助理,自二零零七 年四月起出任中国太平集团常务董事,自二零零八年十月起出任中国太平集团及中国太平集团 (香港) 副总经理,以及 自二零一零年三月出任太平财险董事长.彭先生亦在二零零八年十一月至二零零九年五月出任中国太平保险 (澳门) 股 份有限公司董事长.彼现时为太平人寿监事、太平养老董事及太平资产董事.加入中国太平集团及其附属公司前,彭 先生为位於深圳的华安财产保险股份有限公司董事兼副总经理,以及位於深圳的华侨城集团公司经济发展处处长及策 划部总经理.彭先生於二零零六年二月至二零........
