编辑: 没心没肺DR 2019-07-15
学科能力测验参考试卷 英文考科

1 大学入学考试中心 学科能力测验参考试卷 英文考科 -作答注意事项- 考试时间:100 分钟 题型题数: 第壹部分 B单一选择题共

56 题 第贰部分 B非选择题共

2 大题 作答方式: B选择题用 2B 铅笔在「答案卡」上作答,修正 时应以橡皮擦拭,切勿使用修正液.

B非选择题用黑色或蓝色笔,在「非选择题答案 卷」上作答. 选择题答错不倒扣 祝考试顺利 本试卷之著作权属於财团法人大学入学考试中心基金会 英文考科 学科能力测验参考试卷

2 第壹部分:选择题(占72分)

一、词汇题(占15分)说明:第1至15题,每题选出最适当的一个选项,标示在答案卡之「选择题答案区」.每 题答对得1分,答错不倒扣. 1. Learning to read fast is not easy;

it takes _______ practice to build up a good reading habit. (A) common (B) constant (C) daring (D) severe 2. The young scientist showed great saying that his success was as much the result of good luck as his own talent. (A) dignity (B) intensity (C) humidity (D) modesty 3. The annual Grammy Awards are meant for those who _______ recognition for talent in music or for devotion to music. (A) accompany (B) celebrate (C) deserve (D) equip 4. In view of the students'

low academic achievement, it is time to _______ our educational system. (A) reform (B) regret (C) relieve (D) restore 5. The guard said to us, I apologize for the inconvenience, but I was given _______ not to let anyone in. (A) combinations (B) demonstrations (C) instructions (D) applications 6. As darkness _______ the ability of the rescue team, the operation at night was cancelled. (A) limited (B) informed (C) cured (D) admitted 7. The manager is _______ all the possible marketing strategies so as to choose the most effective one. (A) engaging (B) enabling (C) evaluating (D) enduring

8 After the accident, the drunk driver was _______ aware of what had happened. (A) hopefully (B) shortly (C) barely (D) lately 9. I worked at a small company with only three full-time _______ and two part-time student workers. (A) employees (B) relatives (C) ministers (D) athletes 10. The problem with Jane Smith is that she tends to take criticism too _______ and gets angry very easily. (A) eventually (B) certainly (C) intimately (D) personally 11. Exercise and a good diet are _______ for people of all ages to stay healthy. (A) habitual (B) liberal (C) exceptional (D) essential 12. Paul _______ his position as the head coach after his team lost the championship game. (A) resigned (B) campaigned (C) assigned (D) designed 13. Many young people seem to have lost themselves in the _______ of fashion. They would do anything to look cool and trendy. (A) delay (B) pursuit (C) glimpse (D) struggle 14. As their _______ over territory continues, the two countries have been in a state of war for many years. (A) conflict (B) impact (C) mischief (D) recovery 学科能力测验参考试卷 英文考科

3 15. Books can be read in different ways. As a great philosopher once noted: some are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and _______. (A) estimated (B) digested (C) managed (D) possessed

二、综合测验(占15分)说明:第16至30题,每题一个空格,请依文意选出最适当的一个选项,标示在答案卡之 「选 择题答案区」.每题答对得1分,答错不倒扣. 第16 至20 题为题组 When it comes to personal hygiene, cats are the best example of cleanliness. They are naturally equipped with
