编辑: 丶蓶一 | 2019-07-16 |
2 ⑤ ⑥ ② ③ ④ VOL OFF ON POWER MIC ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ MIC IN AUX IN OUTPUT DC 12V ⑥
10 3 1. 扩音器在使用时请先将机内的内置电池充电,充电时,首先将电源输出 插头插入扩音器后背的DC插座(4)内,再将电源输出器插入市电AC 220V/50Hz插座上,电池开始充电.充电指示灯呈红色闪烁状态,电池 电量充满时,充电自动停止,充电指示灯呈绿色. 2. 使用时,将带开关音量旋钮向右旋转,听到 嘀 一声,表示开机,如 果继续向右旋转,扩音器音量越大,反之音量越小,直至关机;
开机 时,电源指示灯亮蓝色.当扩音器音量变小时,说明电池电量已不足, 请及时给电池充电(扩音器可边充电边继续使用),如不充电继续使用 扩音器会因自动保护电池过放电而自动关机,此时,电源指示灯呈红 色,延时15秒左右,指示灯自动熄灭,此时,请将电源开关关闭. 3. 使用无线发射器时,将扩音器天线拉起,以达到理想效果.有效距离 达20米.发射器与扩音器之间的距离应保持在1米以上,以免产生啸 叫. 4. 将麦克风与音源调整到适当的距离,并调整扩音器的带开关音量旋钮 及音调旋钮以达到良好的效果,并可开始使用. 5. 当需要更大输出功率时,将外接功放连接于扩音器后背的OUTPUT输出 插孔即可. 6. 教学时可同步录音,将扩音器OUTPUT输出插孔连接至录音机MIC IN话 筒输入插孔即可. 7. MIC IN话筒输入插孔:将头戴或领夹麦克风插入此孔,进入待机状 态. 8. AUX IN声音输入:声音输入,将带有音乐源的Φ3.5插头插入此孔,你 便可以欣赏到美妙的音乐. 具体使用方法说明
1 The system can be powered either by DC 12V 1A or by the batteries inside. 2. The distance must be 80m between the two voice amplifiers with the same frequency in order to avoid interference. 3. When howling occurs during operating, please try adjust the system according to the suggestions below: A. Adjust the position or direction of the amplifier. B. Enlarge the distance between the sound source of the amplifier and transmitter. C. Adjust the tone knob to the appropriate degree. D. Adjust the volume control knob to reduce the volume. 4. If the sound of the system suddenly breaks out while operating, first Please check the power indicator. If it is in red state or fade out, that means the battery is running off. Please recharge it in time. 5. When the battery is running off, turning on the power switch will cause the power indicator gets into the red state, which means it cannot be turned on. Please recharge it in time. 6. When not using the system, please turn off the power of both the transmitter and the amplifier to reduce the power consumption. 7. When not using the system for a long time, please fully charge the batteries of the amplifier. The batteries should be recharged at least every half a year for maintenance in good condition. . Cautions
4 9 1. 本机使用时,可直接使用扩音器内的内置电池,同时也可使用DC 12V 1A的直流电源工作. 2. 频率相同的两台扩音器同时使用时,应保持80米以上的距离,以免信 号相互干扰. 3. 使用中如产生啸叫,可采用下列方法改善;
A. 调整扩音器的位置或方向. B. 将扩音器音源与发射器之间的距离隔远. C. 调整音调旋钮使音调至适当程度. D. 调整带开关音量旋钮,使音量降低. 4. 本机在使用过程中,如果突然中断没有声音时,检查扩音器电源指示 灯是否亮红色或已熄灭.如果呈红色或已熄灭时,说明电池电量不 足,需及时充电. 5. 本机电池电量不足时,打开电源开关,电源指示灯亮红色或不亮时, 表示已无法开机,请及时充电. 6. 不使用时,请将发射器与扩音器的电源关闭,以减少电量的消耗和保 持充电电池的寿命. 7. 长时间不使用时,请将发射器电池取出,避免电池漏液损坏发射器.长 期不使用时,请将扩音器内的内置电池充满,至少半年充电一次,以保 证机体内充电电池的良好状态. 注意事项说明 1. Please make sure the batteries inside the amplifier are charged before use. Connect the jack of the power adaptor with DC Input socket of the receiver, plug the AC connector of the power adaptor into AC 220V/50Hz socket, then the batteries start being charged. The charging indicator will flash in red while charging. The green light indicates that the battery is fully charged. 2. Turn the knob right, the sound di indicates the receiver is power-on, and the power indicator lights in blue. Adjusting the knob to the right will increase the voice, and vice versa till it is turned off. When the volume is getting lower, that means the battery is running off. Please recharge it in time. It is possible to sti........