编辑: GXB156399820 2019-07-16
我们相信,全程为你的付出,让更多人的幸福终可载在一起! 承载着一程又一程的欢乐,连接着一站又一站的希望, 从打造第一条地铁线路开始到首次实现广州"区区通地铁".

地铁,就像是城市动脉,让这里的一切生生不息. 每一天的出发和回归,都是满载着希望和收获. 当看着清晨一趟趟地铁满载着青春的梦想为这座城市注入活力和希望, 看见更多的家因为地铁少一些等待,多一些欢聚, 我们一直和乘客"载"一起,满载着乘客的欢乐,也让我们更加懂得"全程为你"的意义! 让乘客感受"全程为你"的最真一面,幸福从此不晚点! 全程为你 幸福"载"一起 With You All The Way ― A Happy Journey Together We believe that by being involved in every part of the process, we can be the carrier of happiness for more people! Carrying happiness one journey at a time, bridging hope one station to another, from building the first Metro line to connecting all districts of Guangzhou with the Metro. Metros are like the veins of a city, bringing vitality to the city ceaselessly. Every departure and every return journey each day is full of hope and goodness. In the morning, the city is injected with vitality and hope with the Metro full of youthful dreams, the metro enables more people to spend less time travelling and more time in happy reunions, Full of passengers' happiness, we are with you all the way, and have a deeper understanding of being there for you always! By sincerely being there for you always, no passenger's happiness will ever be delayed!
