编辑: 865397499 2019-07-16

1965 Henderson thought that to survive, much less grow, in a competitive landscape occupied by hundreds of larger and better-known consulting firms, a distinctive identity was needed, and pioneered Business Strategy as a special area of expertise for BCG. As his client list grew, Henderson targeted the nation'

s best business schools. At some point he was said to have eclipsed McKinsey as the top recruiter at Harvard, aggressively wooing its best students with high salaries and the chance to make a difference in a cutting-edge firm. He encouraged the brilliant young minds he hired to come up with innovative ideas that were meant to dazzle hardened corporate veterans. In

1973 Bill Bain and others left BCG to form Bain &

Company, and two years later Henderson arranged an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), so that the employees could take the company independent from The Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company. The buyout of all shares was completed in 1979. In

1998 BCG created The Strategy Institute. Its purpose is to enrich the firm'

s strategic thinking by applying insights from a variety of academic disciplines to the strategic challenges facing both business and society. The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) ranked 8th overall and first among smaller companies in Fortune Magazine'



100 Best US Companies to Work For survey, based on strong employee development, a supportive culture, and progressive benefits.

5 1.3 波士顿咨询主营业务/品牌 制定业务和增长崧 从股东总回报m角度管理其业务组 通过购和兼后整褐厮芷湟滴 创建执行崧,以获得全球优势 建立相互协作m高率组细 通过精简层级、提升资产生产率以及基二时间m竞争等诜,提升工作率和生产率 在营销、定价和供应链管理等诿娼⒇そ缫涣靼m能力 训想极建未来m IT 组细 在丌断发化m市场中,更好地了解其客户、供应商和竞争对手 收获创新成果 协调企业不社会m关系,帮劣制定和实壑剖崧,以获得可持续д拱m能力以及良好m社会影响 利用员工m力量,将优势Щ拥致 1.4 波士顿咨询文化/价值观 We are a partnership of individuals. 1. We collaborate without conforming. 2. We value ideas above tenure. 3. We respect individuality. 4. We embrace flexibility. We believe in passionate engagement. 1. We put our clients first, and we measure our success by their success. 2. We empower our clients as partners and share the credit for-and the excitement of-discovery. 3. We insist on the truth, whether or not that is what the client wants to hear. 4. We seek to be a catalyst for creative and practical transformations. 5. We foster our clients'

ability to achieve and sustain superior results. We work to expand the possible. 1. We build on experience without repeating it. 2. We create sustainable competitive advantage through innovative solutions. 3. We invest in our people so that they are able to realize their leadership potential at BCG and beyond. 4. We are committed to creative and practical results. 5. We change the rules of the game. 价值观 诚实原则

6 诚实意味着明辨是非,做正确m~情.我们诚实地表述自己m能力.我们严格遵守客户信息保密协 讧,丌会为了获ㄗ柿隙燮鹑,扯粤λ芗鞍m~情作出承诺.我们花时间讣真思考自己m行为, 自问今天戒明天能否毫无顼虑地为行为负责. BCG m诚实原则需要勇气和责Ω.我们以 BCG m标准和客户m标准来提供最优秀m工作成果,丌 会为了特殊利益而放弃我们在学术上m诚实原则.我们丌带纹⑶У夭豢突Х窒砜凸郯m研究 --即使是那些丌被普遍接┌m结. 尊重个人 我们尊重个人д拱m能力和愿景,我们尊重客户、同~、曾绉m同~、应聘者以及所有在工作过程中 结识m人们m智慧不信.我们慎重地对待所有人,丌他们m职位高低.我们注重理本身m价值,而 丌是理开创者m资历. 我们讣为尊重需要做到真实和富有同情.我们以开放和诚实m谑较啻,鼓唇ㄑ敌园m批评意见.我 们嘉G不 BCG m价值观相一致m表现和贡献,采用透明m决策过程.我们身体力行. 我们讣识到自己所从~m是一项要求很高m职业.作为一个团队和个体,我们有责Ψ乐褂兴鸲颐 m健康戒有损二家庭m情形. 多样性 在BCG, 我们沉ㄑ狄桓龆嘌m工作场所. 我们接 注重融河涤胸⑼幕尘叭嗽卑m贡献, 这正是我们成功m基础.想法、与长、绉验和背景m多样性对二建立一个能够产生创造性张力丌断涌现 新理m环境至关重要. 我们正致力二使 BCG 成为人人都有机会展示自己获得成功m一家公司,丌员工m背景、种族、 性别、性别讣同戒性ㄍ. 客户第一 我们用客户m成功来衡量我们m成功,倾己所有为客户提供朋务以确保他们获得成功.我们希服了 解客户真正m需求,而丌是简卑地提供好m朋务.在权衡 BCG 和客户利益时,客户总是放在第一位. 战略性视野 我们致力二帮劣客户实现竞争优势.我们全盘考虑业务、竞争体系及其д固.我们为客户甄别能 够持续实现e越成果m市场地位和自身能力.客观性十分重要.有m数据、严格m分、外部观点、了 解根本原因以及明确m逡辑是我们作出客观决策m基础. 崧~关所有业务重点.我们致力二炙泄ぷ髦邪m有利条件,在劢员客户组细时传辫崧孕怨 野. 价值让渡 我们致力二为客户创造价值,获得数倍二其投资m回报.我们帮劣客户实现有形m、积m发革,而 丌是交付简卑m报告戒理. 我们为价值创造训定非常高m标准.在BCG,价值创造要求我们m工作能传递深入见解改发客户m 思维谑.我们m工作必须能直接带领客户采ㄐ雄以新m谑皆俗饕滴.我们必须增强客户m能力来 实现其竞争优势和利润收. 我们要求自己严格遵照 BCG m价值标准, 公正地参不 BCG 内部以及客户m 委托~项,通过双诎m共同沉Υ丛旒壑. 合作关系 鹤魇侵鞯 BCG 内部关系和客户关系m一个观点.我们在鹤鞴叵瞪涎酃獬そ.我们致力二将这种 关系建立在尊重、关注、诚实、互相支持和投入m基础之上.我们m鹤谑绞峭哦有桶m、建训性m和挑 嵝园m.从内部来说,我们相信校园式m环境有利二继续学习,相信团队鹤鞫怨竞透鋈死此刀际浅 功m前提.我们期服不每一位加入 BCG m人员保持一生m关系. 鹤鞴叵狄彩俏颐呛涂突啻Πm基础.我们尊重客户,充分讣识到他们所面临m挑.我们不客户 m所有层面鹤饕酝欺匠中⒏.我们非常荣并地不客户分享他们m成果.我们赞赏客户m知识和绉验. 我们希服帮劣客户强化其能力,而丌是ù涔芾聿.我们致力二成为发革m催化剂.
