编辑: bingyan8 2019-07-16

1996 (crime), Zak and Knack

1998 (trust), Hoff and Sen

2000 (the structure of ownership),Acemoglu

1996 (training and innovation), Kranton

1996 and Banerjee and Newman

1997 (informal exchange networks), Gale

1992 and Reding and Morales

1999 (standard securities and currency substitution), and Cooper

1999 (who provides many applications, including business cycles and examples from experimental economics).

3 Besley and Coate (1998, pp. 151-152) provide a definition of political failure that is parallel to that of market failure. One begins in each case by defining the set of technologically feasible utility allocations. For the case of political failure, this reflects the available policy instruments, e.g. taxes, transfers, and investments. Political institutions are then modeled. By analogy with

4 emerged in recent years is to try more limited interventions to harness the spillovers among agents, and to try to design sequences of policy reforms tha........
