编辑: cyhzg 2019-07-17

1 1 A rabbit in the room, with a big, big broom! Broom, broom, a rabbit in the room!

20 Magic Letterland Trace the letters with your fingers. Trace the letters with your fingers. A violet in the vase, a violet in the vase. Oh, velvet violet! A violet in the vase. Under the umbrella! Run! Run! Run! Under the umbrella, let's have some fun! Fun, fun, fun, fun! Under the umbrella, let's have some fun! violet umbrella vase u

1 1

2 2 v V

1 1

2 2

21 Magic Letterland Trace the letters with your fingers. wave window Ww

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4 Trace the letters with your fingers. A fox on a box is wearing a tux! Look at the fox wearing the tux! fox box Xx

1 1

2 2 Waves, waves, watch the waves, watch the waves from the window! Wow! Listen to the wind, listen to the wind going woooooooo!

22 Magic Letterland Trace the letters with your fingers. A zebra in the zoo, a zebra in the zoo, playing the kazoo! Zoo, zoo, zoo, zoo, zoo, zoo, playing the kazoo! zebra zoo z Z

1 1

2 2

3 3 Trace the letters with your fingers. Yoghurt, yoghurt, yellow yoghurt! Yoghurt, yoghurt, yum, yum, yum! yoghurt yellow Y1

1 2

2 3

23 Magic Letterland Trace the letters with your fingers. Trace the letters with your fingers. Hello, cheeky mouse! You are so sweet with the cheese in your teeth! Hello, cheeky mouse! Hello, cheeky mouse! A monkey with a key, with a key, hello, little monkey! A monkey with a key! teeth key cheese monkey

1 2 e

1 2 e

1 2 e

1 2

24 Magic Letterland Trace the letters with your fingers. Trace the letters with your fingers. A shell in a shoe on a ship! A shell in a shoe, sh, sh, sh! shell chips shoe cheese s1 h

1 2 h

1 2 c1 Cheese and chips and tasty dips! Tasty dips with cheese and chips! Cheese and chips, cheese and chips, cheese and chips and tasty dips!

25 Magic Letterland Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Listen to the alphabet song.

26 Magic Letterland Tammy Lena Yuri Alex
