编辑: 赵志强 2019-07-17

3 subsidiaries in China, India and USA. Find out more information here: http://meteodyn.com/en/ For more information, please contact: [email protected] +33(0)

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505 About ZephIR Lidar ZephIR Lidar provides hub height and turbine mounted accurate wind measurement, for wind energy and meteorological applications. These industry leading wind lidar products, ZephIR

300 and ZephIR DM, provide accurate wind measurements, in both onshore and offshore applications. With more than

10 million hours of operation in the field and over

1000 deployments (and counting) ZephIR Lidar has pioneered the use of lidar in the wind industry. The company is proud of the many world firsts it has achieved with customers including upwind measurements from a turbine nacelle, turbine wake studies, offshore deployments both fixed and floating wind lidar, an industry-accepted validation process, re-financing and re-powering a wind farm, successfully technology accuracy demonstration in a wind tunnel and total wind project financing from a lidar without need for a met mast. Find out more information here: http://www.zephirlidar.com For more information, please contact: [email protected] +44 (0)

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