编辑: You—灰機 | 2019-07-17 |
28 °C. ? Aim to spray when Delta T is between
2 and
8 and not greater than 10. ? Do not spray when inversion conditions exist. ? Aim to spray when the atmosphere is neutrally stable. ? Most chemicals require a rain free period C check the label. ? Be aware of local topographic and convective influences on wind speed and direction. ? Record on-site weather conditions at spray time. While the guidelines above are useful, more in-depth knowledge of how wind, temperature and humidity might vary over the target area will enhance the opportunity for successful spray application. The Bureau gratefully acknowledges the Primary Industries Standing Committee "Spray Drift Management" publication, the Queensland Government DPI publication "How to prevent spray drift", the University of Queensland (Pesticide Application Information / Fact Sheets), Nufarm, Grains Research and Development Group (GRDC)