编辑: 赵志强 | 2019-07-17 |
250 km away. In 1926, the McKenzie brothers sold out to David Gunn. He continued running cattle and also started guiding tourists from the Hollyford camp, further up the valley, (known today as Gunns Camp on the Lower Hollyford Road). After David'
s death in 1955, his son Murray continued to manage Gunns Camp until 2005. The camp is now managed by the Hollyford Museum Charitable Trust. Fishing There is good access for trout fishing, deer hunting, climbing and exploration of areas surrounding the Hollyford Track. Anglers should hold a current fishing licence. Please ensure that your fishing gear is free of didymo and clean it between river catchments. Hunting permits are required and can be obtained online at www.doc.govt.nz Natural history The U-shaped Hollyford Valley was carved by a huge glacier about 20,000 years ago. It left behind the Donne Glacier on the eastern face of Mt Tutoko. Lake McKerrow/Whakatipu Waitai was originally a fiord, which was cut off from the sea by sedimentary deposits at Martins Bay. The lowland forests, rivers, lakes, estuary and coast of the valley provide habitats for birds and other animals. The majority of the forest is silver beech, mixed with kamahi, kahikatea, matai and rimu. The forested areas have a rich understorey of coprosma, wineberry, fuchsia and pepperwood, with abundant ferns, mosses and lichens. Small birds such as tomtit, robin, brown creeper, bellbird, grey warbler, fantail, rifleman and silver eye are still common in many areas, despite the presence of introduced predators. Kākā C large forest parrots, frequent the valley and often call at dusk. Fiordland- crested penguins/ tawaki and seals can also be found around the Martins Bay coastline. Each spring, the juveniles of the native fish from the galaxid family begin their annual migration up the Hollyford River. Commonly known as whitebait, they were an important traditional Māori food and today are st........