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2011 年5月第19 卷第3期Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, May 2011, 19(3): 614?618 * 国家水专项科技重大专项(2008ZX07101-006-06)和浙江省重大科技专项重点项目(2007C13060)资助 ** 通讯作者: 楼莉萍(1975~), 女, 博士, 副教授, 主要从事环境生物与生态工程的研究.
E-mail: [email protected] 唐艺璇(1986~), 女, 硕士研究生, 主要从事水体生态修复研究.E-mail: [email protected] 收稿日期: 2010-08-01 接受日期: 2010-11-11 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1011.2011.00614
3 种挺水植物吸收水体 NH4 + 、NO3 ? 、H2PO4 ? 的 动力学特征比较 唐艺璇1 郑洁敏2 楼莉萍1** 张奇春1 (1. 浙江大学环境与资源学院 杭州 310029;
2. 杭州市农业科学研究院 杭州 310024) 摘要本文用动力学试验研究了具有景观价值的
3 种挺水植物――水生美人蕉(Canna generalis)、细叶莎草 (Cyperus papyrus)、紫芋(Colocasia tonoimo)对H2PO4 ? 、NH4 + 、NO3 ? 的吸收特征及差异.试验结果表明:
3 种挺 水植物吸收 H2PO4 ? 时, 美人蕉的吸收速率最快, 且在较低离子浓度条件下也可以吸收该离子, 说明其具有嗜 磷特性, 能够适应广范围浓度 H2PO4 ? 环境;
吸收 NO3 ? 时, 细叶莎草的速率最快, 但对低浓度 NO3 ? 环境的适应 能力较差, 美人蕉吸收 NO3 ? 的特性与细叶莎草刚好相反;
吸收 NH4 + 时, 细叶莎草的吸收速率最快, 且在低浓 度NH4 + 环境下仍能吸收该离子, 而美人蕉的吸收速率最慢, 但能在低浓度 NH4 + 环境下吸收该离子.说明不同 植物对养分的吸收特性存在较大差异, 各自的污染水体修复适用范围也不同.美人蕉可用于各种浓度 H2PO4 ? 污染的水体修复;
而NO3 ? 污染严重的水体最适宜用细叶莎草作先锋植物, 修复到一定程度后再种植美人蕉来 维持水质;
细叶莎草在各种浓度 NH4 + 污染的水体中均适用, NH4 + 污染较轻的水体也可用美人蕉修复. 关键词 美人蕉 细叶莎草 紫芋 先锋植物 吸收动力学 富营养化 污染水体修复 中图分类号: X171.4 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1671-3990(2011)03-0614-05 Comparisons of NH4 + , NO3 ? and H2PO4 ? uptake kinetics in three different macrophytes in waterlogged condition TANG Yi-Xuan1 , ZHENG Jie-Min2 , LOU Li-Ping1 , ZHANG Qi-Chun1 (1. College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China;
2. Hangzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310024, China) Abstract In a kinetic experiment, the absorption of NH4 + , NO3 ? and H2PO4 ? by three different emergent macrophytes (Canna generalis, Cyperus papyrus, Colocasia tonoimo) in waterlogged condition were analyzed in relation to values of landscape esthetics and economic value. Based on the analysis, the uptake rate of H2PO4 ? was highest in C. generalis. In fact, C. generalis continued to absorb H2PO4 ? in even low ion concentration conditions. This suggested that C. generalis successfully coped with a wide range of H2PO4 ? concentration. On the other hand, the uptake rate of NO3 ? was highest in C. papyrus. It was, however, not able to successfully adapt to low nutrient conditions (as C. generalis). The highest uptake rate of NH4 + was also in C. papyrus, and even of low concentrations of NH4 + . Also, NH4 + absorption was lowest in C. generalis. The application scope of three plants on restoration of polluted water varied with ion absorption characteristics of the plants. C. generalis did generally well in all levels of H2PO4 ? polluting water. C. papyrus, on the other hand, was only suitable for pre-treatment of seriously NO3 ? polluting water. Then C. generali was usable in maintaining water quality after improvement to a certain degree. C. papyrus was applicable in various concentrations of NH4 + polluting water. C. generalis grew better in water environments that were less polluted by NH4 + . Key words Canna generalis, Cyperus papyrus, Colocasia tonoimo, Pioneer plants, Uptake kinetic, Eutrophication, Restoration of polluted water (Received Aug. 1, 2010;