编辑: 丑伊 2019-07-18
第8卷第6期2008 年12 月交通运输工程学报Journal of T raffic and Transportation Engineering Vol.

8 No.

6 Dec.

2008 收稿日期 : 2008-06 -11 基金项目 : 山东省交通科技项目( 2006Y020) 作者简介 : 吕国仁(

1965 -) , 男 ,山东莱阳人 , 山东高速集团有限公司研究员 , 山东大学教授 , 从事公路工程研究 . 文章编号 : 1671-1637( 2008)

06 -0053 -04 新型波形梁护栏端头开发 吕国仁1,

2 ,闫书明3 ,白书锋3 ,邰永刚3 ,马亮3 (

1 .山东高速集团有限公司, 山东 济南 250061;

2 .山东大学 岩土与结构工程研究中心, 山东 济南

250061 ;

3 .北京中路安交通科技有限公司, 北京 100070) 摘要: 为降低由于碰撞波形梁护栏端头引起的乘员伤亡,参考国内外相关标准, 依据中国的交通 流特性,提出波形梁护栏端头的碰撞试验条件和评价标准, 采用有限元仿真分析和实车足尺碰撞试 验相结合的技术手段 ,开发出一种满足评价标准的新型波形梁护栏端头.计算结果表明 : 开发的新 型波形梁护栏端头利用卷曲波形梁吸收车辆动能 ,能够有效避免波形梁插入车体和翻车事故的发 生,车体重心加速度小于 20g ,保护了乘员安全, 同时能够为标准段护栏提供足够约束力 ,保证标准 段护栏的正常防护能力.护栏端头满足评价标准的要求,可为失控车辆提供安全防护. 关键词: 波形梁护栏 ;

端头开发 ;

实车碰撞试验 ;

有限元仿真 ;

碰撞条件 ;

评价标准 中图分类号 : U417 .

12 文献标识码 : A Terminal development of a new type of W-beam guardrail LU Guo-ren

1 ,

2 , YAN Shu-ming

3 , BAI Shu-feng

3 , TAI Yong-gang

3 , MA Liang

3 (

1 . Shandong Hi -speed Group Co . Ltd . , Jinan

250061 , Shandong , China;

2. Geotechnical and S tructural Engineering Research Center , Shandong University , Jinan 250061, Shandong, China;

3 . Beijing Zhongluan Traffic Technology Co. Ltd . , Beijing 100070, China) Abstract:In order to reduce the serious accidents caused by impacting W-beam guardrail terminal , the properties of traffic flow were analyzed , the impact test methods and acceptance criteria for the terminal were brought out based on referring to correlative domestic and overseas standards , a new type of W-beam guardrail terminal w as developed by using finite element analysis and full-scale impact tests , w hich meets acceptance criteria. It is pointed that passengers can be protected for that the acceleration of vehicle gravity center is less than 20g by rolling W-beam to absorb accident car'

s kinetic energy , w hich keeps W-beam from piercing into car or accident car from turning over , and the containment level of standard section for barrier is guaranteed by enough restraining force at the guardrail terminal . The result indicates that the performances of the terminal meet acceptance criteria and can protect accident vehicles .

3 tabs ,

11 figs ,

10 refs . Key words :W-beam guardrail ;

terminal development ;

full-scale impact test ;

finite element simulation ;

impact condition ;

evaluation specification Author resume : LU Guo-ren ( 1965- ) , male , researcher, +86-631 -5960090 , LGR65 @ yahoo . com . cn .

0 引言波形梁护栏端头是安装在波形梁护栏起点的端 部结构 ,目前 ,中国高速公路上普遍采用的波形梁护 栏端头有圆头式和地锚式两种型式[ 1-2] .小型车辆 正面碰撞圆头式端头 , 易发生护栏板穿刺车体的事 故;
