编辑: 匕趟臃39 | 2019-09-26 |
130 million home-made smart phones in the first half of 2013, up 115% over the same period of 2012, accounting for 60% of the total smart phone market.
ZTE, Huawei, Coolpad and Lenovo takes up four of the top five of sales. With the rapid development of mobile internet today, China爷s mo- bile industry has successfully grasped the opportunity during the transformation from traditional mo- bile to smart phone, and more and more market share has been seizing by domestic mobile producers. So, what exactly makes the rising of home-made smart phone in recent years? Innovation sparks the market In 2007, Apple former leader Jobs released the first-geneartion i- Phone, which marked the beginning of the development from traditional mobile to smart phone, soon later Android based smart phone reached the market. Smart phone has be- come one of the most innovative industries in the world. During the 2G times, however, the domestic mobile phone had not yet improved its technology capability, and then it became a synonym for cheap cell phones. Some domestic cell phone producers finally realized that only innovation could make their prod- ucts accepted. Taking Lenovo for example, the latest statistics show that it has become top sellers in the first half of
2013 in China. What behind the great success is Lenovo爷s unremit- ting efforts and firm pursuit of in- novaiton. In 2012, Lenovo spend
450 million U.S. dollors on R&
D, and established
46 world first class laboratories and had 4,400 R&
D engineers. Such numbers exactly al- lows us to see Lenovo has put e- nough efforts into R&
D and tech- nology upgrading. At same time, a series of smart phones including Phone K900, Phone S820, Phone P780 are well accepted by con- sumers. Finally, effort not too long, the shipment of Lenovo smart phone broke
30 million in 2012, and the sales volume of that phone in the first quarter of
2013 broke
10 mil- lion for the first time and reached 11.3 million in the second quarter. It would be the first time Lenovo appeared in the global top three list. Besides, Lenovo also appeared in Russia, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Philippines market. In the global smart phone shipment ranking of the Q2, Cool- pad with shipments of 10.8 million ranked the fourth position, and is a brand under Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific (Shen- zhen) Company. The company em- phasized on smart terminals tech- nology and housed 3,000+ patents. It formulated the innovation ideas of personnal cloud computing, and issued a series of cell phones and softwares. Yulong Company won the market acceptance by constantly innovation. Patent enhance competitiveness 野To become stronger, they must obey the game rules, focus on IPRs and spend time and money on R&
D, or China'
s cell phone manu- factures can only play the role of migrant workers,冶said Wang Yanhui, Secretary General of Mobile Phone China League. As a high-tech prod- uct, smart phone is closely bound to patent from hardware, system to de- sign. With the competition in the smart phone market becoming in- creasingly fierce in recent years, the patent war is now sweeping the world. Patent has become a weapon for some big companies to suppress their competition rivals. Taking Lenovo for example, it now houses 7,800+ patents, 6,000 of which are inventions. Among the domestic top five smart phone sellers, Huawei and ZTE are not only the famous tele- com equipment producer in domes- tic and aboard, but also serving as a pioneer of IPR. They developed earlier to become China爷s national IPR model company, and ranked the lead position in patent creation, application, protection and manag- ment. In the list of domestic com- pany invention patent grants in
2013 H1, Huawei ranked the top with 898, followed by ZTE with 846. According to the statistics re- leased by WIPO, ZTE ranked the top in the list of PCT application in 2012, and Huawei ranked the second. There is no doubt that patent has become a core competitiveness for smart phone producers. Thanks to their patent capability, Huawei and ZTE are rapidly climbing up in the market competition. Recently, the first group of 4G mobile net- work license was issued by China爷s Ministry of Industry and Informa- tion Technology,
4 of companies including ZTE and Huawei obtained the license. At present, both the two company have 4G layout. Ac- cording to statistics, they obtain about 1/4 of global 4G patents, which change the situation that China爷s companies were once re- stricted by others爷in 2G and 3G patent. (by Yu Langtian)
本报记者 于朗添 据最新统计数据显示袁2013 年 上半年中国国产品牌智能手机销量 达1.3 亿部袁 较2012 年同期涨幅高 达115%袁 占国内智能手机市场份额 超过 60%袁其中以野中渊兴冤华渊为冤酷 渊派冤联渊想冤冶为代表的国产品牌智能 手机成功占据国内智能手机销量的 前五名遥 创新引爆市场
2007 年袁 苹果前掌门人乔布斯发 布了第一代 iPhone 手机袁 不久基于安 卓系统的智能手机也相继面市袁 拉开 了传统手机向智能化发展的序幕袁智 能手机也因此成为了最具创新活力的 行业之一遥由于在 2G 时代未能实现技 术上的提升袁 国产手机曾一度成为低 价机尧山寨机的代名词袁一部分国产手 机厂商终于意识到只有着力创新才能 让自己的智能手机得到认可遥 以联想为例袁据最新统计数据显 示袁 在2013 年上半年国产品牌智能 手机销售排行榜中袁 联想位居榜首遥 在这骄人成绩的背后是联想对于创 新的不懈努力和执着追求遥
2012 年袁 联想的研发投入达到 4.5 亿美元袁同 时它还在全球设立了
46 个世界一流 实验室袁拥有
4400 名研发工程师遥一 系列的数字让我们看到了联想在研 发投入尧 技术创新上下足了功夫袁同 时也看到了联想旗下强大的智能手 机阵容袁 如新一代 5.5 寸旗舰机乐 Phone K900尧 外观设计出众的女性 手机乐 Phone S820尧 主打商务智能 的联想乐 Phone P780 等一系列智能 手机得到了消费者的认可遥 功夫不负有心人遥
2012 年联想 智能手机的出货量突破
3000 万部袁
2013 年第
1 季度联想智能手机单季 销量首次突破千万部袁第
2 季度则达 到了
1130 万部袁 这也是国产智能手 机销量首次跻身全球前三名遥 此外袁 联想的智能手机业务还成功进军了 俄罗斯尧印度尧印度尼西亚尧越南和菲 律宾等市场遥 全球第
2 季度智能手机出货量排 名中袁以
1080 万台位居第四的酷派是 宇龙计算机通信科技渊深圳冤有限公司 旗下的手机品牌遥 宇龙公司专注于智 能终端核心技术袁 具有较强的研发创 新能力遥 该公司目前已拥有
3000 余件 专利袁 提出了个人移动云计算时代的 创新理念袁 并陆续发布了一系列手机 产品和软件遥 对技术和创新的不懈追 求袁使宇龙公司赢得了市场的认可遥 专利打造实力 野要想做大做强袁 就必须遵守游 戏规则袁重视知识产权袁对技术研发 投入时间尧精力和金钱袁不然袁中国手 机制造只能在产业链上扮演 耶打工 者爷的角色遥冶手机中国联盟秘书长王 艳辉坦言遥 智能手机作为高科技产 品袁从硬件尧系统再到外观袁处处可见 专利的身影遥随着近年来智能手机市 场竞争的日趋白热化袁专利大战的硝 烟开始席卷全球遥 专利袁已成为一些 大公司制约竞争对手的有力武器遥如 联想就拥有专利
7800 余件袁 其中发 明专利超过
6000 件遥 进入国内智能手机销量前五名 的华为和中兴通讯袁不仅是国内外知 名的通信设备生产公司袁还是中国知 识产权工作的野排头兵冶遥中兴通讯和 华为是较早成为全国企事业知识产 权试点示范单位的企业袁 在专利创 造尧运用尧保护尧管理等各方面均居国 内领先地位遥 在2013 年上半年国内 企业发明专利授权量排名中袁华为以
898 件位居榜首袁中兴通讯则以846 件紧随其后遥 此外袁据世界知识 产权组织公布的数据显示袁在2012 年全球主要通讯设备厂商通过 叶专利合作条约曳渊PCT冤 途径提交的 国际专利申请排名中袁中兴通讯排名 第一袁华为位居第二遥 毫无疑问袁 专利已经成为了智 能手机厂商的核心竞争力遥 华为和 中兴通讯得以在智能手机市场竞争 中厚积薄发尧迅速崛........