编辑: 喜太狼911 | 2019-08-12 |
8 期2014 年4月生态学报ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICA Vol.
34,No.8 Apr.,2014 http:/ / www.ecologica.cn 基金项目:国家林业公益性行业科研专项(201104009);
湖南省教育厅项目( 湘财教字[2010]70 号);
长沙市科技局创新平台项目(K1003009鄄61) 收稿日期:2013鄄08鄄02;
摇摇修订日期:2013鄄12鄄06 *通讯作者 Corresponding author.E鄄mail: csufttdl@ 126.com DOI: 10.5846/ stxb201308022009 田大伦,李雄华,罗赵慧,闫文德.湘潭锰矿废弃地不同林龄栾树人工林碳储量变化趋势.生态学报,2014,34(8):2137鄄2145. Tian D L, Li X H, Luo Z H, Yan W D.Dynamics of carbon storage at different aged Koelreuteria paniclata tree in Xiangtan Mn mining wasteland.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2014,34(8):2137鄄2145. 湘潭锰矿废弃地不同林龄栾树人工林碳储量变化趋势 田大伦1,2,3,* ,李雄华1,2 ,罗赵慧1,2 ,闫文德1,2,3 (1. 中南林业科技大学, 长沙摇 410004;
2. 南方林业生态应用技术国家工程实验室, 长沙摇 410004;
3. 湖南会同杉木林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站, 会同摇 418307) 摘要:对湘潭锰矿区废弃地植被恢复区的
3 年生、5 年生和
9 年生栾树林,进行了不同时间序列栾树林生物量和碳储量的时空 变化研究. 结果表明:随着林龄的增长,林木和各器官生物量增加,树干生物量所占比例逐渐增大,林下植被层生物量随林龄增 长而增加,且以草本植被为主;
不同林龄栾树人工林乔木层碳含量在 0.51―0.53gC/ g 之间,并高于林下植被层碳含量;
不同林龄 林地土壤层碳含量变化范围为 0.01―0.03gC/ g,同一林龄不同深度土层碳含量没有显著差异,相同深度不同林龄土层碳含量存 在差异;
3 年生、5 年生和
9 年生栾树碳储量分别为:1.
66、18.32 和49.87 t/ hm2 ,随林龄增长而增加,其中树干碳储量贡献率最 大,所占比例由
3 年生的 27.71%增长到
9 年生的 43.43%;
不同林龄栾树林生态系统总碳储量分别为 77.
76、101.63 和149.86 t/ hm2 ,其中土壤层碳储量变化范围为 76.09―99.93 t/ hm2 ,占总储量的 66.68%―97.85%,死地被物层碳储量为 0.01―0.04 t/ hm2 ,占总储量 0郾001%―0.02%,植被层碳储量为 1.67―49.89 t/ hm2 ,占总碳储量的 2.15%―33.29%,植被层中乔木层为 1郾66―49.87 t/ hm2 ,占植被层碳储量的 99%以上. 各林龄栾树林生态系统碳储量空间分布序列为土壤层>
死地被物层. 研究结果可为我国矿区植被恢复地的森林资源和碳汇管理提供科学依据. 关键词:栾树;
湘潭 Dynamics of carbon storage at different aged Koelreuteria paniclata tree in Xiangtan Mn mining wasteland TIAN Dalun1,2,3,* , Li Xionghua1,2 , LUO Zhaohui1,2 , YAN Wende1,2,3
1 Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha 410004,China
2 National Engineering Lab for Applied Technology of Forestry &
Ecology in South China,Changsha 410004,China
3 National Key Station for Field Scientific observation &
Experiment, Huitong 418307, China Abstract: Over the past decade, Koelreuteria paniclata was introduced in manganese mine wastelands in central southern China as a suitable plant species in order to remove metals from the contaminated soils. In this study, we examined changes in biomass and carbon storage in
3 K. paniclata plantations at 3鄄, 5鄄and 9鄄year old stands in a Mn mining wasteland. We measured biomass and carbon concentrations in various plant organs and soil depths and estimated total carbon storage in the forests to gain an understanding of the dynamics of biomass and carbon in the plantation ecosystems since phytoremediation. The result showed that: (1) The different tree organs biomass, total tree biomass increased with aged stands, and the proportion of stem biomass in the total tree biomass increased with increasing of stand ages. The biomass in undertorey layer increased with aging stands with dominant component of herbaceous vegetation;
(2) The carbon content ranged from 0.51 gC/ g to 0.53 gC/ g, in overstorey layer and was higher than that in understorey layer. The carbon content in soil layer ranged http:/ / www.ecologica.cn from 0.01 gC/ g to 0.03gC/ g, and significant differences of carbon content were found at the same soil depth in different aged stands;
(3) The biomass carbon storage was 1.
32 and 49.
87 t / hm2 in 3鄄,5鄄and 9鄄year old plantations, respectively. The stem was a dominant component of the tree biomass carbon storage, which accounted for the larger part of the total biomass carbon storage, from 27.71% at 3鄄year old stands to 43.43% at 9鄄year old stands;
(4) The total carbon storage was 77.
76、101.63 and 149.86 t / hm2 in 3-,5-and 9-year old K. paniclata plantation ecosystems respectively. The carbon storage in soils ranged from 76.09 t / hm2 to 99.93 t / hm2 , which accounted for 66.68%―97.85% of the total carbon in the ecosystems. The carbon storage in litter layer ranged from 0.01 to 0.04 t / hm2 , which accounted for 0.001%―0.02% of the total carbon storage in the plantation ecosystems. (5) The carbon storage in vegetation layer ranged from 1.67 to 49郾89 t / hm2 in the aging stands, accounting for 2.15% to 33.29% of the total carbon storage in these forested ecosystems. The carbon storage in different components of the aged K. paniclata plantation ecosystems was in order as soil layer >
vegetation layer >
litter layer. Our results may provide scientific ........