编辑: XR30273052 2019-08-09
N NC CS SC C 我国低碳试点实践现状及 未来工作方向研究 国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心

2013 年6月本报告由能源基金会资助.

报告内容不代表能源基金会观点. This report is funded by Energy Foundation. It does not represent the views of Energy Foundation. 项目信息 项目资助号: G-1209-16900 Grant Number: G-1209-16900 项目期: 07/01/12-03/31/13 Grant period: 07/01/12-03/31/13 所属领域: 低碳 城市 Sector: Low carbon development 项目概述: 项目全面总结了低碳试点工作的成果与实施经验,在深入 分析各地低碳试点发展过程中的制约与挑战基础上,评估低碳试点 发展现状、成果和存在的主要问题,剖析地方在落实政策推动工作 方面遇到的体制机制障碍,为提高地方决策的科学性和时效性提供 参考,促进地方应对气候变化能力建设,为全面实现低碳发展工作 的进一步开展提供建议. Project Discription: This study looks at the experiences from first round of low-carbon pilot project, summarizes the policy needs for the low carbon development, assist the second pilots to better understand a low- carbon growth as well as better develop their low-carbon development plan. 项目成员: Project team: 项目成员 单位/职务 徐华清 国家气候战略中心,副主任 丁丁国家气候战略中心政策法规部,主任 张志强 国家气候战略中心信息培训部,副主任 杨秀国家气候战略中心政策法规部,博士 马涛国家气候战略中心政策法规部,博士 刘长松 国家气候战略中心政策法规部,博士 陈怡国家气候战略中心信息培训部,博士 关键词:低碳试点,低碳发展,低碳城市 Key Word: Low carbon pilot, low carbon development, low carbon city I 摘要在我国发展经济、改善民生的同时,有效控制温室气体排放, 妥善应对气候变化,是一项全新的课题.为了充分调动各方面积极 性,积累对不同地区和行业分类指导的工作经验,推动落实控制温 室气体排放行动目标,2010 年7月19 日,国家发改委下发通知, 确定在五省八市开展第一批低碳试点,并于

2012 年11 月29 日开展 了第二批国家低碳省区和低碳城市试点工作.项目全面总结了低碳 试点工作的成果与实施经验,在深入分析各地低碳试点发展过程中 的制约与挑战基础上,评估低碳试点发展现状、成果和存在的主要 问题,剖析地方在落实政策推动工作方面遇到的体制机制障碍,为 提高地方决策的科学性和时效性提供参考,促进地方应对气候变化 能力建设,为全面实现低碳发展工作的进一步开展提供建议.项目 提出了《关于促进低碳发展的若干意见》(建议稿). 项目研究的主要发现总结如下: 1) 试点地区充分发挥主动性和创造性,紧密结合当地的发展阶段 和当前的经济、社会、地理、资源能源禀赋等特点,找准定 位,大胆探索,体现特色,对试点工作进行细化与落实;

2) 各试点地区加强战略规划引领,编制、完善了低碳发展规划, 支持配套政策陆续出台,建立了多样化的低碳发展保障与长效 机制;

3) 试点地区结合当地能源资源禀赋特点探索不同的发展模式;

4) 试点工作面临统一低碳发展认识、设立更先进的低碳发展目 标、提高低碳发展落实力度、完善相关支持配套政策和人才队 伍等挑战. 为进一步促进低碳发展,项目提出如下建议: II 1) 加强相应的制度设计和机制安排.研究制定低碳发展宏观战 略,明确我国中长期低碳发展的目标、任务和路线图;

开展专 门低碳发展立法研究,尽快启动立法程序,对低碳发展进行引 导和规范;

建立低碳产品标准、标识和认证制度,研究提出低 碳城市、园区、社区和商业等试点建设规范和评价标准,因地 制宜规划布局产业、生活和基础设施,形成高效集约、功能齐 全和舒适方便的低碳空间发展格局. 2) 支持试点地区先行先试,尊重区域差异,因地制宜实现低碳发 展.应支持试点地区提出高于全国的低碳发展目标,结合区域 经济地理的空间异性,因地制宜地开展科学分析工作. 3) 加大专项资金扶持和配套政策出台.政府对低碳投资应发挥引 导支持作用,为向低碳经济转型创造一个良好的投资环境,引 导建立更广泛的低碳融资渠道,并通过合理的制度和机制安排 来确保为低碳发展提供通畅、有效、长期的资金供给和保障. 研究和落实低碳发展财政专项资金,支持试点省市低碳示范工 程建设.完善产业、投资、财税和金融政策,研究制定区域碳 汇生态补偿机制,形成有利于低碳发展的政策体系.逐步扩大 低碳省区和城市试点范围,积极探索先进高效和地方特色的低 碳发展模式. III Summary China is currently facing a difficult situation in balancing economic growth and controlling green house gas without any international experience for reference. In order to explore a low-carbon pathway in diverse local situations, the National Development and Reform Commission started low-carbon pilot program of five provinces and eight cities in

2010 and started the second round of picking low-carbon pilot provinces and cities in April 2012. This study looks at the experiences from first round of low-carbon pilot project, summarizes the policy needs for the low carbon development, assist the second pilots to better understand a low-carbon growth as well as better develop their low- carbon development plan. A policy recommendation was put forward. Based on the eight-month research on low-carbon pilot and the process of assisting NDRC with the 2nd round pilot reviewing, selection and plan improving, we have the following key findings: 1) The 1st round pilots have made remarkable progress in low-carbon policy development, industrial structure adjustment, ecological environment construction, low-carbon technological innovation, low- carbon life avocations. 2) Diversity of low-carbon policy system and long-term mechanism has been set up, which will be a firm foundation of local low-carbon development. 3) Various developing pathways have been chosen in the pilot provinces and cities according local economic level, energy nature resource condition, industry foundation. IV 4) There are still challenges for local areas to realize a low-carbon growth: the recognition on low-carbon growth has not been unified among pilot provinces and cities;

the low-carbon targets are not advanced enough, leaving still some room for further decreasing carbon emissions;

insufficient guidance and supporting to realizing a low carbon growth;

lack of talent team. We made the following suggestions to accelerate the low carbon pilot project: 1) To strengthen a top-down institution and regime design from central government. This will include a low-carbon macroscopic target and strategy design, to develop more policy and regulations to support a low-carbon growth. 2) To provide stronger support to the pilot to find out the low-carbon pathway according to local conditions and to provide some necessary policy, technology and fund guarantees. 3) To strength the foundation of low-carbon growth, including setting up the statistical accounting system for GHG, providing more incentives to low-carbon technology and product innovation, as well as forming a better social culture and lifestyle for emission reduction. V 目录1.低碳试点工作的背景.1 1.1 开展低碳试点的政策背景.1 1.1.1 我国实现经济发展面临温室气体排放的约束.1 1.1.2 不同地区开展了自发的低碳发展探索.2 1.1.3 自上而下的低碳发展政策.3 1.2 试点地区的现状.7 1.2.1 第一批低碳试点地区.7 1.2.2 第二批低碳试点地区.9 2.第一批低碳试点的进展和成效.11 2.1 加强领导,完善机制.11 2.2 加强战略规划引领,编制、完善了低碳发展规划.13 2.3 明确任务,确立发展目标.15 2.4 完善实施体系,支持配套政策陆续出台.25 2.5 优化产业结构,调整能源结构,降低碳强度.27 2.6 加快温室气体清单编制,启动........
