编辑: 戴静菡 2019-10-06
1 中华人民共和国农业部公报 ZHONGHUA RENMIN GONGHEGUO NONGYEBU GONGBAO 2016年第10期 (总第157期) 中华人民共和国农业部办公厅主办 主编陈邦勋 常务副主编 傅康俊 公报室主任明? 星副主任杨启荣 目录 通知决定 农业部? 国家发展改革委? 财政部? 环境保护部? 住房和城乡 建设部? 科学技术部关于印发《关于推进农业废弃物资源化 利用试点的方案》的通知? ? /4 农业部关于部署开展深化农垦改革专项试点工作的通知? ? /8 农业部关于公布2016年中国美丽休闲乡村推介结果的? 通知? ? /13 农业部关于内蒙古自治区达到马传染性贫血消灭标准的? 通知? ? /16 农业部办公厅? 财政部办公厅关于浙江等3省2016年农机新产 品购置补贴试点方案的意见? ? /16 农业部办公厅? 中国气象局办公室关于联合推进气象信息进村 入户的通知? ? /18 农业部办公厅? 国家食品药品监督管理总局办公厅? 关于有条件放开养殖红鳍东方和养殖暗纹东方? 加工经营的通知? ? /20 关于印发农业综合开发区域生态循环农业项目指引? (2017―2020年)的通知? ? /21 农业部办公厅关于做好农业废弃物资源化利用试点和国家农业 可持续发展试验示范区建设工作的通知? ? /25

2 农业部办公厅关于印发《轮作休耕试点区域耕地质量监测方 案》的通知? ? /27 农业部办公厅关于做好2016年 三秋 机械化生产工作的通 知? ? /30 农业部办公厅关于公布第4批饲料质量安全管理规范示范企 业名单的通知? ? /32 农业部办公厅关于公布第二批国家蛋鸡良种扩繁推广基地名 单的通知? ? /34 农业部办公厅关于公布第九批国家级水产种质资源保护区面 积范围和功能分区的通知? ? /35 农业部办公厅关于组织开展渔业行政执法人员清理工作的通 知? ? /45 农业部办公厅关于进一步加强渔业行政执法船舶注册登记工 作的通知? ? /47 规章规范 中华人民共和国农业部公告? 第2436号? 转基因棉花种子生产经营许可规定? ? /48 农业部办公厅关于印发《农作物种子标签二维码编码规则》 的通知? ? /50 农业部办公厅关于印发《渔船渔港动态监控管理系统平台技 术规范》的通知? ? /51 行业规划 国家发展改革委? 农业部? 国家林业局关于印发《全国大宗 油料作物生产发展规划(2016―2020年)》通知? ? /52 公告通报 中华人民共和国农业部公告? 第2445号? ? /64 中华人民共和国农业部办公厅主办 主编彭小元 常务副主编 李文学 编辑 出版 地址 北京市朝阳区 农展馆南里11号 邮编

100125 电话 010-59192399 010-68259537 传真 010-65001869 电邮 nybgb@sina.

com 刊号 印刷 北京奇良海德印刷有限公司 出版日期 2016年10月20日ISSN1672―6065 CN11―5150/D 农业部公报室



S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Circulars and Decisions Joint circular of the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Ministry of Science and Technology on printing and distributing the Plan for Promoting Pilot Program of Agricultural Waste Recycling /4 Circular of the Ministry of Agriculture on mapping out pilot programs of deepening state farm reform /8 Circular of the Ministry of Agriculture on releasing the list of outstanding villages for agri-tourism in

2016 /13 Circular of the Ministry of Agriculture on Inner Mongolia meeting the standards of eradicating equine ? infectious anaemia /16 Joint opinions of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance on the

2016 plan for pilot program of agricultural machinery purchase subsidies in Zhejiang and other two provinces /16 Joint circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and China Meteorological Administration on jointly providing meteorological information service to rural households /18 Joint circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Office of China Food and Drug Administration on conditionally lifting restrictions on processing and transaction businesses of cultured Takifugu rubripes and cultured Takifugu obscurus /20 Joint circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Office of Integrated Agricultural Development on printing and distributing the 2017―2020 Guidelines on circular eco-agriculture programs in integrated agricultural development zones /21 Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on improving the work of pilot bases of agricultural waste recycling and national pilot demonstration bases of sustainable agricultural development /25 Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on printing and distributing the Plan for Farmland Quality Monitoring in Pilot Areas of Rotation and Fallow /27 Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on promoting mechanized operation in autumn harvesting, planting and land preparation in

2016 /30 Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on releasing the list of model enterprises in feed quality and safety management (4th batch) /32 Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on releasing the list of national bases for improved layer species propagation and extension (2nd batch) /34 Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on releasing the area and function zoning of National Fishery Germplasm Resreerves (9th batch) /35 Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on implementing regulation campaign on fishery administration law enforcement personnel /45 Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on strengthening registration of fishery administration law enforcement vessels /47 Regulations and Standards Announcement No.2436 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the People'

s Republic of China? Regulations on genetically modified cotton seed production and business operation /48 Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on printing and distributing the Coding Rules for Crop Seed Label QR Code /50 Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on printing and distributing the Technical Norms on Dynamic Supervision and Management System Platform for Fishing Vessels and Ports /51 Sectoral Plannings Joint circular of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture and the State ? Forest Administration on printing and distributing the 2016―2020 National Plan for Major Oilcrop ? Production and Development /52 Notifications and Announcements Announcement No.2445 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the People'

s Republic of China /64

4 农业部 国家发展改革委 财政部 环境保护部 住房和城乡建设部 科学技术部 关于印发《关于推进农业废弃物资源化 利用试点的方案》的通知 农计发 〔2016 〕90号 各省、 自治区、 直辖市及计划单列市、 新疆生产建设兵团农业 (农牧、 农村经济) 厅 (局、 委) 、 发展改革委、 财政厅 (局)、........
