编辑: 5天午托 | 2019-10-22 |
0 深圳市田区上梅林中康路奥士达大厦A座312-316室ADD:Scotia Centre,4th Floor,P.O.Box 2840,Geoge Twon,Grangd Cayman KY1-1112,Cayman Islangds TEL:86 0755-82662217
82662215 FAX:86 0755-82668680 TOMI 拟制 PREPARED BY 检查 CHECKED BY 批准 APPROVED BY 发行日期(Iss Date): 2017-02-16 产品规格书 描述(Description): 5V2A G5236F 客户(Customer): 第1页,共16 页 版本 Rev 深圳市田区上梅林中康路奥士达大厦A座312-316室ADD:Scotia Centre,4th Floor,P.O.Box 2840,Geoge Twon,Grangd Cayman KY1-1112,Cayman Islangds TEL:86 0755-82662217
82662215 FAX:86 0755-82668680 日期Date 变更内容 Modify Item 变更依据 Modify Reason 第2页,共16 页3.3.1 ESD (静电抗扰度) 3.3.2 EFT (快速脉冲群) 4. Environmental Requirement 环境 4.1 Temperature (环境温度) 4.2 Humidity (环境湿度) 4.3 Altitude (海拔高度)
5 MTBF (平均无故障时间) 6. Dimension(物理尺寸) 7. Schematic (原理图) 8. Product photos (产品照片) 9. Bill of material (物料清单) 10. Test report (测试报告) 10.1 Electrical performance test report (电性能测试报告) 10.2 Temperaturetest report(温升测试报告) 10.3 EMC test report (EMC测试报告) 10.4Common Mode Noise test report (共模噪音测试报告) 11. Transformer specifications (变压器规格书) 深圳市田区上梅林中康路奥士达大厦A座312-316室ADD:Scotia Centre,4th Floor,P.O.Box 2840,Geoge Twon,Grangd Cayman KY1-1112,Cayman Islangds TEL:86 0755-82662217
82662215 FAX:86 0755-82668680 1.3.4 Reset After Shutdown.(保护功能复位) 1.2.5 DC Output Hold-Up Time. (输出保持时间) 2. Safety(ClassII) (安规标准,II类设备) 1.2.6 DC Output Overshoot At Turn On &
Turn Off.(输出超调) Section 目录 1.2.2 DC Output Ripple &
Noise.( 输出波纹和躁声) 1.3.2 DC Output Over Curent Protection.(输出过流保护) 1.3.3 DC Output Short Circuit Protection.(输出短路保护) 1.2.7 DC output voltage rise time(输出上升时间) 1.3 Protection:(保护功能) 1.3.1 DC Output Over Voltage Protection.(输出过压保护) 1.2.4 DC Output Transient Response. (输出动态响应) 1.2.1 DC Output Voltage, Current &
Regulation.(输出电压电流调整率) 1.2 Output Electrical Characteristics Overview(输出特性) 1.2.3 Turn on delay time. (开机延时) 1.1 Input Electrical Characteristics Overview (输入特性) 1. Power supply overview 电源性能指标 3. EMC 电磁兼容性 3.1 EMI (电磁干扰) 3.3 EMS (电磁抗抗扰) 2.1 Standard(标准) 2.2 Isolation resistance(绝缘阻抗) 2.3 Hi-Pot test(耐压测试) 2.4 Leakage current(泄漏电流) 2.5 Lignting surge(雷击浪涌) 第3页,共16 页1. Power Supply Overview 电性能指标: 1.1 Table
1 Input Electrical Characteristics Overview (输入特性) Note: 1) At AC Brown-out and Brown-on test,when the input voltage from 0Vac 120Vac for 3min,and from 120Vac to 0Vac for 3min,the PSU function shall be nomal and no components damaged. AC欠压关机、开机测试时,电压从0V上 升到120V,从120Vac降到0Vac,过程的时间均为3分钟. 2) Power moduel shall not shutdown and latch off at AC cycling DIP test (from 10ms to 10sec) during specied load.Power modules must auto-restart when AC input voltage has applied again.电源输出带额定负载情况下,当AC输入电 压跌落保持时间在10ms到10sec时,电源不得出现关机或锁死现象.当输入电压恢复正常后,电源应进 入正常工作状态. 1.2 Output Eletrical Characteristics Overview (输出特性) 1.2.1 Table
2 Output Voltage, Current &
Regulation. (输出调整率) 1.2.2 Turn on delay time. (开机延时) Upon aplacation of the AC signal the PSU shall begain functioning normally umder all operation specifications within 3second. AC上电后,电源必须在3秒内达到正常工作状. 深圳市田区上梅林中康路奥士达大厦A座312-316室ADD:Scotia Centre,4th Floor,P.O.Box 2840,Geoge Twon,Grangd Cayman KY1-1112,Cayman Islangds TEL:86 0755-82662217
82662215 FAX:86 0755-82668680 2A Regulation 调整率 Min current 最小电流 Peak current 峰值电流 Peak Power 峰值功率 Rated current 额定电流 Harmonic current 谐波电流 Meet GB17625.1-1998/IEC61000-3-2 class D No Load Power Loss 待机功耗 Q0.075W 230Vac input Not required AC Brown-out AC欠压关机 Not required AC Brown-in AC开机电压 Not required Output Voltage 输出电压 AC DIP Test AC跌落测试 2.3A* +5V ±5% 0A Normal voltage range 标准输入 100Vac-240Vac Frequency range 频率范围 50Hz/60Hz Inrush current (cold start) 浪涌电流(冷机) 80Atyp peak, 120Vac;
100Atyp peak, 220Vac Max input AC current 满载输入电流 2A max at full load condition Efficiency (full load) 效率 85%min at 115Vac/230Vac;
Input voltage range 输入电压范围 90Vac-264Vac 第4页,共16 页1.2.3 Table
3 DC Output Ripple &
Noise.(输出波纹和噪声) Note: 1) Measurements shall be made with an oscilloscopewith 20Mhz bandwidth 示波器设置在20MHz带宽. 2) Output shall be bypassed at the connector with a 0.1uF ceramic capacitor and a 4.7uF electrolytic simulate system loading . 输出并联一个0.1uF的陶瓷电容和一个4.7uF的电解电容. 1.2.4 Table
4 Output Transient Response. (输出动态响应) Note:Transient response measurements shall be made with a load changing repetition rate of 100Hz and 500Hz. 输出以100&
500Hz的频率跳变负载来测试. 1.2.5 Table
6 DC Output Hold-Up Time. (输出保持时间) Note: DC output at full load. 所有输出带满载 1.2.6 Table
7 DC Output Overshoot At Turn On &
Turn Off.(输出超调) Note: DC output current at Min and Rated load. 测试时负载为最小和额定负载两种状况. 1.2.7 Table
8 DC output voltage rise time(输出上升时间) Note: The output voltages shall rise from10% to 90% of their output voltage.输出从10%上升到90%的时间 1.2.8 Table
9 Capacitive load.(容性负载能力) The PSU should be able to power up and operate normally with the following capacitances simultaneously present on the DC outputs. 当电源输出端并联以下容量的容性负载时,电源应能正常开启并正常工作. 1.3 Protection:(保护功能) 1.3.1 Table11 DC Over Voltage Protection. (输出过压保护) The power supply have the over voltage protection. When the main feedback control circuit fault occur . The power supply shall be over voltage protection to protect the whole system. 该开关电源具有过压保护功能,当主反馈回路出现故障时,电源过压保护,从而保护整个系统安全. 1.3.2 Table
12 DC Output Over current Protection. (输出过流保护) 深圳市田区上梅林中康路奥士达大厦A座312-316室ADD:Scotia Centre,4th Floor,P.O.Box 2840,Geoge Twon,Grangd Cayman KY1-1112,Cayman Islangds TEL:86 0755-82662217
82662215 FAX:86 0755-82668680 Output Over shoot voltage(V)超调电压 Turn on开机 Turn off关机 +5V ±5% +5V Capacitive load 容性负载 Hiccup尝试重复启动 Comments 220Vac input Output Voltage 输出电压 5% OutputVoltage 输出电压 OutputVoltage 输出电压 OutputVoltage 输出电压 120Vac input +5V ≤100 Ms ≤100 Ms 120Vac input 220Vac input ≥5 mS ≥10 mS +5V ±10% 50mA/uS Min. to 10% load and 90% to Max load Output Voltage 输出电压 Voltage Tolerance Limit 动态调整率 Slew Rate 动态速率 Load Change 负载变化 +5V 100mVp-p Normal Input, 0%,50%,100% Rated Load Output Voltage 输出电压 Ripple &
Noise(PK to PK)纹波与噪声 Test Condition测试条件 Over Current +5V ≥2.3A Output Voltage Comments +5V ≤10V Hiccup尝试重复启动 Output Voltage Over Voltage 第5页,共16 页1.3.3 Table
13 DC Output Short Circuit Protection. (输出短路保护) Note: The Short Circuit protection should be test at other of dc output at min load 短路保护测试是在其它最小负载时测试. 2. Safety(ClassII) (安规标准,II类设备) 2.1 Standard(标准) The PSU must meet with the following standard : 电源必须满足以下标准: IEC60065,60950-1 and UL60950,60950-1 and GB8898-2011 2.2 Isolation resistance(绝缘阻抗) Input To Output: 50MΩ Min at DC500V,in room temperature.在室温环境下,DC500电压测试时不得小于50MΩ. 2.3 Hi-Pot test(耐压测试) Lab test: 3KVac(or 4242Vdc)/10mA,
1 minute between primary and secomdary circuit. 3KVac(or 4242Vdc)/10mA,
1 minute between primary and FG. 室验室测试:初级与次级3KVac(or 4242Vdc)/10mA,1分钟. 初级与保护地3KVac(or 4242Vdc)/10mA,1分钟. Product line: 3.6KVac(or 5100Vdc)/5mA,
2 second between primary and secomdary circuit. 3.6KVac(or 5100Vdc)/5mA,
2 second between primary and FG. 产线测试:初级与次级间3.6KVac(or 5100Vdc)/5mA, 2秒. 初级与保护地间3.6KVac(or 5100Vdc)/5mA, 2秒. 2.4 Leakage current(泄漏电流) 0.25mA MAX a t 230Vac/50Hz. 输入230Vac/50Hz时最大0.25mA. 2.5 Lignting surge(雷击浪涌) ⑴. common mode(Line to secondary GND and Neutral to secondary GND) (L与次级地之间,N与次级地之间) ⑵. ±1KV/differential mode(Line to Neutral). 差模±1KV(L与N之间) Note: After the test, no loss function. 测试后产品无功能失效. Reference standard 参照标准 :GB17626.5-1998/IEC61000-4-5 3. EMC (电磁兼容性) 3.1 EMI(电磁干扰) The PSU shall compliance with the following conduction emission and radiate emission standard: 电源电磁干扰满足下列标准: EN55022 CLASS B for Europe. 欧州标准 EN55022 CLASS B GB9254 CLASS B for China CCC. 中国标准 GB9254 CLASS B FCC PART15 CLASS B for America. 美国标准 FCC PART15 CLASS B 3.2 EMS(电磁抗干扰) The PSU shall compliance with the following standard电源电磁抗干扰满足下标准: 3.2.1 ESD (静电抗扰度) IEC61000-4-2 ESD level 4, criterion B. 测试标准IEC61000-4-2 ESD level 4, criterion B Air discharge test(with system) 空气放电(带整机): ±2KV, ±4KV, ±8KV ,±12KV Contact discharge test(with system) 接触放电(带整机): ±2KV, ±4KV Output Voltage Comments +5V Hiccup尝试重复启动 深圳市田区上梅林中康路奥士达大厦A座312-316室ADD:Scotia Centre,4th Floor,P.O.Box 2840,Geoge Twon,Grangd Cayman KY1-1112,Cayman Islangds TEL:86 0755-82662217
82662215 FAX:86 0755-82668680 第6页,共16 页3.2.2 EFT (快速脉冲群) IEC61000-4-4 EFT level 2, criterion B(with system) 1KV/5KHz on AC power port for
1 minute. 测试标准IEC61000-4-4 EFT level 2, criterion B(带整机):电源输入端口1KV/5KHz信号1分钟. 4. Environmental Requirement (工作环境) 4.1 Temperature (环境温度) Operating temperature工作温度 : 0℃ to +40℃ Note: Only for the temperate climate conditions. 仅适用于温带气候条件下使用. 4.2 Humidity (环境湿度) Operating humidity工作环境湿度:From10% to 90% relative humidity (without dewdrop无结露条件下). 4.3 Altitude (海拔高度) Operating altitude工作海拔高度: 2Km MAX. Store altitude贮存海拔高度:6Km MAX.
5 MTBF (平均无故障时间) TBD 6. Dimension(物理尺寸) TBD 深圳市田区上梅林中康路奥士达大厦A座312-316室ADD:Scotia Centre,4th Floor,P.O.Box 2840,Geoge Twon,Grangd Cayman KY1-1112,Cayman Islangds TEL:86 0755-82662217
82662215 FAX:86 0755-82668680 第7页,共16 页7. Schematic (原理图) 深圳市田区上梅林中康路奥士达大厦A座312-316室ADD:Scotia Centre,4th Floor,P.O.Box 2840,Geoge Twon,Grangd Cayman KY1-1112,Cayman Islangds TEL:86 0755-82662217
82662215 FAX:86 0755-82668680 第8页,共16 页8. Product photos (产品照片) 深圳市田区上梅林中康路奥士达大厦A座312-316室ADD:Scotia Centre,4th Flo........