编辑: QQ215851406 2022-11-02
15 页之

1 April

2019 项目编号 单价 ($) Item no.

Unit Price 1.1 床笠 bed cover

165 1.2 床边防跌栏 bed guard

520 1.3 床单 bed sheet

165 1.4 床单 bed sheet (for child)

100 1.5 PVC床单 bed sheet PVC

265 1.6 毡套 blanket cover (for child)

115 1.7 双层床 bunk bed 36x72 (阔x长) inches ( Wx L) 2,250 1.8 双层床连拉床 bunk bed with extension bed 3,300 1.9 婴儿床 cot 2,350 1.10 婴儿床(不锈钢) cot (stanless steel) 6,300 1.11 棉毡 cotton blanket

270 1.12 双人床 double bed 48x72 (阔x长) inches ( Wx L) 1,850 1.13 双人床褥 double bed mattress 附注

1 Note

1 1,400 1.14 床垫 draw sheet

200 1.15 摺合床 folding bed

595 1.16 床褥 mattress (for child) 附注

1 Note

1 690 1.17 尼龙床 nylon bed (for child)

330 1.18 尼龙被 nylon quilt (for child)

170 1.19 枕头 pillow

120 1.20 枕套 pillow case

55 1.21 被/毛毡 quilt / wool blanket

270 1.22 被套 quilt cover

155 1.23 被套 quilt cover (for child)

115 1.24 单人床 single bed 36x72 (阔x长) inches ( Wx L) 1,500 1.25 单人床褥 single bed mattress 附注

1 Note

1 985 1.26 梳化连摺合床 sofa set with folding bed

3 座位 seater 3,100 1.27 毛巾被 towel blanket

170 1.28 毛毡 wool blanket (for child)

170 2.1 病床 hospital bed 7,650 2.2 医疗护理床 hospital hi-lo bed 13,850 3.1 减压床褥 ripple bed mattress 1,800 4.1 小童棉质围裙 apron for children (cotton)

40 4.2 小童胶质围裙 apron for children (plastic)

55 4.3 小童摇椅 baby rocking chair

630 4.4 学行车 baby walker

515 4.5 婴儿车 buggy / stroller 2,350 4.6 奶瓶 feeding / milk bottle

60 4.7 手摇调奶器 hand mixer

330 4.8 高椅 high chair

555 4.9 量杯 measuring cup

60 4.10 奶瓶消毒器 milk bottle sterilizer

555 4.11 奶嘴 nipple

25 4.12 胶口水肩 plastic bib

45 4.13 幼儿安全闸 safety gate

455 常用家具及设备价目表 二零一九年四月版 PRICE LIST OF COMMON FURNITURE &


2019 edition 医疗护理床 Hospital Hi-lo Bed 减压床褥 Ripple Bed Mattress 幼儿护理设备 Child-care Equipment 床、寝具及相关用品 Bed, Beddings and Accessories

15 页之

2 April

2019 项目编号 单价 ($) Item no. Unit Price 5.1 空气净化机 air purifier 2,650 5.2 抽湿机 dehumidifier 2,650 6.1 蓝光 / DVD / CD 播放机 Blu-ray / DVD / CD player 1,650 6.2 DVD录影机 DVD video recorder 2,450 6.3 音响设备 Hi-Fi system 2,050 6.4 液晶体投影机 LCD projector 10,700 6.5 多媒体投影机连70 荧幕 multi-media projector with

70 screen 11,850 6.6 高射投影机 overhead projector 2,200 6.7 手提高射投影机 portable overhead projector 3,400 6.8 收音机 radio

175 6.9 收音连DVD播放机 radio cum DVD player

735 6.10 荧幕 screen 50x50 (阔x长) inches ( Wx L)

695 6.11 荧幕(连三脚架) screen with tripod 70x70 (阔x长) inches ( Wx L) 1,150 6.12 电视机 TV set

22 inches 2,400 6.13 电视机 TV set

26 inches 3,350 6.14 电视机 TV set

32 inches 4,350 6.15 电视机 TV set

36 /

37 inches 7,700 6.16 电视机 TV set

42 inches 8,900 6.17 视像光碟播放机 video DVD player

545 7.1 数码相机 digital camera 2,450 7.2 手提数码摄录机 portable digital video recorder 4,300 8.1 床头灯 bedside lamp

280 8.2 灯 table lamp

165 9.1 扬声器及无线咪 amplifier with wireless microphone 5,850 9.2 咪高峰 microphone

240 9.3 咪高峰连支架 microphone and microphone stand

615 9.4 混音器 microphone mixer 2,400 9.5 咪高峰支架(坐地) microphone stand (floor type)

375 9.6 咪高峰支架(坐台) microphone stand (table type)

155 9.7 手提广播系统 portable PA system 5,850 10.1 暖炉 radiator

570 11.1 快速乾地机 rapid floor dryer 1,550 12.1 衣车 sewing machine 3,100 影音器材 Audio-Visual Equipment 空气净化机 / 抽湿机 Air Purifier / Dehumidifier 相机 / 手提摄录机 Camera / Portable Video Recorder 照明设备 Lighting 广播系统 PA System 电暖炉 Radiator 快速乾地机 Rapid Floor Dryer 衣车 Sewing Machine

15 页之

3 April

2019 项目编号 单价 ($) Item no. Unit Price 13.1 床边风扇 bedside fan

260 13.2 抽气扇 exhaust fan 6-8 贾本 dia.

645 13.3 抽气扇 exhaust fan 9-10 贾本 dia.

955 13.4 抽气扇 exhaust fan 11-12 贾本 dia. 1,150 13.5 抽油烟机 exhaust hood 2,350 13.6 坐地风扇 floor-type fan

710 13.7 手提式风扇 portable fan

710 13.8 挂墙风扇 wall hung fan

510 14.1 4个抽屉连保险箱贮物柜 4-drawer cabinet with safe 3,900 14.2 4个抽屉钢造文件/表格柜 4-drawer steel file / form cabinet 1,200 14.3 床头柜 bedside cupboard

620 14.4 床头锁柜 bedside locker

620 14.5 摆放广播系统的柜 cupboard for PA system 1,800 14.6 电视及DVD录影机柜 cupboard for TV and DVD video recorder 3,050 14.7 陈列柜 display cupboard 35x70x18 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D) 2,400 14.8 活动电视及DVD录影机柜 movable cupboard for TV and DVD video recorder 3,050 14.9 活动贮玩具架/柜movable toy shelf / cabinet 1,450 14.10 文件格柜 pigeon-hole cabinet

645 14.11 滑门柜 sliding-door cabinet 35x35x16 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D)

860 14.12 贮物柜/有门的贮物柜 storage cabinet / cupboard with door 35x70x18 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D) 1,450 14.13 双门卡片索引柜 twin-door card index cabinet

470 14.14 衣柜 wardrobe 1,750 15.1 可调较高度凳子 adjustable high stool

585 15.2 有扶手的椅子 armchair 附注

1 Note

1 680 15.3 没有扶手的椅子(电脑椅/打字椅/访 客坐椅) arms free chair (computer / typing / guest chair) 附注

1 Note

1 600 15.4 长椅 bench

800 15.5 儿童椅 children chair

120 15.6 餐椅 dining chair

505 15.7 摺椅/可叠放的椅子 folding / stackable chair

150 15.8 脚凳 foot / step stool

440 15.9 办公室椅 office chair 附注

1 Note

1 680 15.10 有辘凳子 roller stool

450 15.11 梳化 sofa

1 座位 seater 1,450 15.12 梳化 sofa

2 座位 seater 2,150 15.13 梳化 sofa

3 座位 seater 2,950 15.14 梳化 sofa

4 座位 seater 4,300 15.15 梳化 sofa

15 座位 seater 15,300 15.16 L型梳化 sofa L shape 2+3 座位 seater 5,100 15.17 凳子 stool

150 16.1 便椅/淋浴椅 commode / shower chair 1,350 16.2 角椅 corner chair 2,500 16.3 供大脑瘫痪儿童使用的特制坐椅 special chair for children with cerebral palsy 34,550 16.4 特制餐椅 special dining chair

505 16.5 训练椅 training chair 2,400 特别用途坐椅 Chair for Special Purpose 通风设备 Ventilation Equipment 柜/衣柜 Cabinet / Cupboard / Wardrobe 椅子 / 梳化 Chair / Sofa

15 页之

4 April

2019 项目编号 单价 ($) Item no. Unit Price 17.1 老人椅 geriatric chair 3,000 18.1 三层信件架 3-layer letter tray

85 18.2 记录出席人名板 attendance board

650 18.3 书架 bookcase 2,250 18.4 书档 bookend set

30 18.5 书立 bookstand

370 18.6 计算机 calculator

135 18.7 连打印装置的计算机 calculator with printer

465 18.8 现金箱 cash box

320 18.9 图架 chart holder

880 18.10 展览板 display board 1,300 18.11 地垫 door mat

155 18.12 电动打字机 electronic typewriter 2,800 18.13 展览板 exhibition board 48x72 (阔x长) inches ( Wx L) 1,300 18.14 文件盘 file tray

35 18.15 急救箱连急救用品 first-aid box with first-aid equipment

225 18.16 发泡胶切割器 foam cutter

680 18.17 锁匙箱 key box

540 18.18 过胶机 laminator 2,450 18.19 信箱 letter box

135 18.20 15门锁柜 locker -

15 doors 35x70x18 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D) 2,000 18.21 4门锁柜 locker -

4 doors 35x70x22 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D) 1,800 18.22 磁性白板 magnetic white board 48x72 (阔x高) inches ( Wx H)

920 18.23 活动磁性白板 magnetic white board (movable) 48x72 (阔x高) inches ( Wx H) 1,550 18.24 企身/挂墙镜 standing / wall mirror

255 18.25 多功能影印机 (黑白影印/传真/彩色 扫瞄/打印机) multi-function machine (B/W copier/ fax/ colour scanner/ printer) 34,000 18.26 可双面影印的多功能影印机 multi-function photocopier with duplex function 16,600 18.27 告示板 notice board 36x72 (阔x高) inches ( Wx H)

550 18.28 号码机 numbering machine

165 18.29 办公室磅 office scale

220 18.30 切纸机 paper cutting guillotine

640 18.31 碎纸机(供中央行政单位使用) paper shredder (for central administration) 3,750 18.32 碎纸机(供服务单位使用) paper shredder (for service unit) 1,700 18.33 影印机 photocopier 8,150 18.34 影印机架 photocopier stand 1,100 18.35 住客姓名板 residents'

name board 2,000 18.36 印台及印章 stamp pads and chops

120 18.37 打咭机 time card machine 2,000 18.38 雨伞架 umbrella stand

505 18.39 挂墙钟 wall hung clock

130 老人椅 Geriatric Chair 办公室家具及设备 Office Furniture and Equipment

15 页之

5 April

2019 项目编号 单价 ($) Item no. Unit Price 19.1 图书陈列架 book display rack 1,700 19.2 挂衣架 clothes hanging rack

445 19.3 表格架 form rack

645 19.4 {手纸架 M-fold paper dispenser

155 19.5 报刊架 newspaper &

magazine rack

845 19.6 有辘盛物胶架 plastic shelf with castors

160 19.7 厕具架 rack for toiletries 1,450 19.8 架子 shelf 35x70x16 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D) 1,150 19.9 多用途架 shelf for various purposes 35x70x16 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D) 1,150 19.10 鞋架 shoe rack 1,050 19.11 钢书架 steel bookshelf 35x70x16 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D) 1,150 19.12 # 木书架 # wooden bookshelf 35x47x16 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D)

965 20.1 床边 bed side table

620 20.2 儿童 children table

690 20.3 茶几 coffee table

635 20.4 电脑桌 computer desk

785 20.5 角几 corner table

620 20.6 餐 dining table

8 人person 1,900 20.7 贴有防火胶板面的工作 formica top work table 72x29x36 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D) 1,350 20.8 # 大型会议 # large conference table 3x72x30x36 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D) 3,600 20.9 长摺 long folding table 70x30x24 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D)

855 20.10 煮食用长(不锈钢) long table for cooking (stainless steel) 5,700 20.11 # 中型会议 # medium conference table 2x72x30x36 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D) 2,400 20.12 办公桌 office writing desk 48x26x24 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D)

915 20.13 阅读 reading table 1,350 20.14 长 rectangular table 48x20x24 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D)

785 20.15 半圆 semi-circular table 35x20x18 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D)

805 20.16 # 边 # side table 35x30x16 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D)

460 20.17 # 小型会议 # small conference table 72x30x36 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D) 1,200 20.18 小摺 small folding table 31x31x31 (阔x高x深) inches ( Wx Hx D)

295 20.19 学生书桌(连书柜及桌灯) study desk (with bookshelf and lamp) 1,500 20.20 打字桌 typing stand

525 21.1 卧床用 overbed table 1,550 21.2 为弱能或肢体伤残儿童特制的 specially-designed table for handicapped child 27,000 21.3 训练 training table

855 21.4 诊疗 treatm........
