编辑: yn灬不离不弃灬 2019-07-31
Lecture 1: Pulverised coal combustion carbon capture and storage, GHG reduction and oxyfuel technology APP OFWG Capacity Building Course, Monday/Tuesday 15/16 March,

2010 Xijiao Hotel, Beijing, China Professor Terry Wall OFWG Project Leader and University of Newcastle, Australia 第1讲:煤粉燃烧的二氧化碳捕集和储存, 温室气体减 排以及富氧燃烧技术 亚太伙伴计划富氧燃烧能力建设课程 西郊宾馆,北京,中国 2010年3月15/16(星期一/星期二) Terry Wall 教授 OFWG项目负责人 澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学 Content and references Lecture content: 1.

CCS technology comparisons 2. Carbon avoidance costs 3. Oxyfuel technology status References: B.J.P. Buhre, L.K. Elliott, C.D. Sheng, R.P. Gupta, and T.F. Wall, Oxy-Fuel Combustion Technology For Coal-Fired Power Generation, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 31, 283-307, 2005. T. F. Wall, Combustion processes for carbon capture, Invited plenary lecture and review, 31st International Symposium on Combustion, University of Heidelberg, Proceedings of The Combustion Institute, 31, 31-47, 2007. Terry Wall, Yinghui Liu, Chris Spero, Liza Elliott, Sameer Khare, Renu Rathnam, Farida Zeenathal, Behdad Moghtaderi, Bart Buhre, Changdong Scheng, Raj Gupta, Toshihiko Yamada, Keiji Makino, Jianglong Yu, An overview on oxyfuel coal combustion―state of the art research and technology development, Chemical Engineering Research and Design (ChERD), Volume 87, Issue 8, Pages 1003-1016, 2009. … and web links on OFWG site http://www.newcastle.edu.au/project/oxy-fuel-working-group/links.html 内容和参考文献 讲座内容: 1. CCS的技术比较 2. 碳减排成本 3. 富氧燃烧技术现状 参考文献: B.J.P. Buhre, L.K. Elliott, C.D. Sheng, R.P. Gupta, and T.F. Wall, Oxy-Fuel Combustion Technology For Coal-Fired Power Generation, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 31, 283-307, 2005. T. F. Wall, Combustion processes for carbon capture, Invited plenary lecture and review, 31st International Symposium on Combustion, University of Heidelberg, Proceedings of The Combustion Institute, 31, 31-47, 2007. Terry Wall, Yinghui Liu, Chris Spero, Liza Elliott, Sameer Khare, Renu Rathnam, Farida Zeenathal, Behdad Moghtaderi, Bart Buhre, Changdong Scheng, Raj Gupta, Toshihiko Yamada, Keiji Makino, Jianglong Yu, An overview on oxyfuel coal combustion―state of the art research and technology development, Chemical Engineering Research and Design (ChERD), Volume 87, Issue 8, Pages 1003-1016, 2009. …另外参考OFWG网站http://www.newcastle.edu.au/project/oxy-fuel-working-group/links.html IPCC report on DClimate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis‖, released Feb 2,

2007 Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations. For the next two decades a warming of about 0.2°C per decade is projected for a range of emission scenarios. Even if the concentrations of all greenhouse gases and aerosols had been kept constant at year

2000 levels, a further warming of about 0.1°C per decade would be expected. IPCC 报告 气候变化2007:自然科学基础 2007年2月2日发表 20世纪中期以来观察到的全球平均气 温升高,几乎可以确信主要是由于人类 活动导致的温室气体浓度升高引起的. 未来20年内,气温平均每10年气候上 升0.2℃.即使将所有温室气体和气溶 胶的浓度控制在2000年的水平,仍然 可以预期到未来气温每10年会上升 0.1℃左右. 来自冰芯及现代数据中 温室气体的变化 Reports other than IPCC IEA CCS technology costs, 2003-5 Stern Report,

2007 C act now or costs greater later MIT coal report,

2007 C coal needs CCS McKinsey Report,

2007 C CCS costs in context GCCI Report,

2009 C status of CCS IPCC以外的报告 国际能源署 CCS 技术成本, 2003-5 Stern 报告,

2007 C 现在行动或者留着更大的代价 MIT 煤报告,

2007 C 煤需要CCS McKinsey 报告,

2007 C CCS 的成本 GCCI 报告,

2009 C CCS的现状 Course focus: Why power generation? Why coal? Why CCS? Thambimuthu, GHCT-8 Conference Opening Session, June, 2006. D Need to focus on ? Power generation, the main source of emissions ? Coal, the main fuel for power generation ? Saline aquifers, the largest potential store ‖ Coal emits more CO2 per energy than other fuels, but is a relatively secure energy source CCS R&

D emphasis on coal technology 课程重点: 为什么是发电?为什么是煤? 为什么要CCS? Thambimuthu在2006年GHCT-8 会议开幕式上指出, D 需要把重 点放在: ? 发电系统,排放的主要来源 ? 煤炭,发电的主要燃料 ? 含盐蓄水层,最具潜力的存储区‖ 与同等单位热值的其他燃料相比,煤炭排放的CO2更多,但它是 一个相对安全的能源资源. CCS的研发重点是煤炭利用技术. CO2 storage capacity Capacity ? In highly prospective and prospective areas, suitable saline aquifer formations, oil or gas fields, or coal beds, at least ? 2,000 GtCO2 ~

150 years of worldwide CO2 from large stationary sources Matching CO2 sources and storage sinks ? 30-60% of CO2 emissions from electricity generation and 30-40% of those from industry would be suitable for capture in the future ? IPCC study uses 1-8 US$/tCO2 for

250 km transport CO2的存储容量 容量 ? 具有埋存CO2的预期前景和高预期前景的地区至少包括:合适 的盐水层,石油、天然气田和煤层 ? 150年内,全球大型固定源排放的二氧化碳为2,000 GtCO2 匹配CO2排放源和CO2埋存点 ? CO2排放量中,电力行业的30-60%和工业界的30-40%在未来 将适合于捕捉. ? IPCC报告中,每吨CO2运输250公里的花费为1-8美元.

13 PCC, post-combustion capture, with additional plant noted in red

14 燃烧后捕捉(PCC, post-combustion-capture) 红色部分新增设备 IGCC-CCS, pre-combustion capture IGCC-CCS, 燃烧前捕捉 Oxy- fuel 富氧燃烧 Status: Examples of operating plants, www.co2captureandstorage.info Technology Location Coal Power Capture Storage PCC Warrier Run*, Chiba*, Bellingham X* X X IGCC

4 power plants- USA, EU Many refineries X X X X X Oxyf Kimberlina X X Storage Weyburn*, Sleipner, In Salah X* X X Status: Some demonstrations of coal-fired integrated plants PCC RWE (Germany) Post -

2009 IGCC-CCS Futuregen (USA),

275 MWe RWE (Germany), 400-450 MWe Stanwell (Australia),

200 MWe

2012 2014

2012 Oxyf Vattenfall (Germany),

30 MWt Callide (Australia),

30 MWe

2008 2010 现状: 运行电站实例, www.co2captureandstorage.info 技术路线 位置 煤炭 发电 捕捉 埋存 燃烧后捕集 Warrier Run(美国)*, Chiba*(日本), Bellingham(美国) X* X X 燃烧前捕集 4个发电厂,美国和欧洲 许多炼油厂 X X X X X 富氧燃烧 Kimberlina X X 埋存 Weyburn*(加拿大,盐水层), Sleipner(挪威, 天然气田), In Salah (阿尔及利亚,油田) X* X X 现状:一些综合燃煤示范电站 燃烧后捕集 RWE (德国) Post -

2009 整体煤气化联合循 环―二氧化碳捕集 与埋存 未来电力 (美国),

275 MWe RWE (德国), 400-450 MWe Stanwell (澳大利亚),

200 MWe

2012 2014

2012 富氧燃烧 Vattenfall (德国),

30 MWt Callide (澳大利亚),

30 MWe

2008 2010 CCS options, with desirable characteristics indicated X Option Integrated plant demonstrated at commercial scale For retrofit Can be applied to slip- stream No O2 supply No CO2 capture Gives H2 PCC X X X IGCC- CCS X Oxyf X X CCS 选项,用 X 标出 CCS选项 商业规模的示 范电站 改造 旁路抽取 烟气 无O2供应 无CO2捕集产生H2 PCC X X X IGCC-CCS X Oxyf X X Zero emission technology (ZET) targets and CO2 release Emissions, from IEA (2005) SO2 C 98-99 % removal NOx C 25-50 mg/m3 Particulates C 1-10 mg/m3 CO2 release, g/kWh, from IEA technology reports (2003-2005) Pf+FGD, without capture 710-910 PCC

117 IGCC-CCS, dry

142 IGCC-CCS, slurry

152 Oxyfuel

92 零排放技术的目标和CO2排放量 污染物,国际能源署(2005) SO2 C 98-99 % 脱除率 NOx C 25-50 mg/m3 悬浮微粒 C 1-10 mg/m3 CO2释放,g/kWh,IEA技术报告(2003-2005) Pf+FGD, 无CO2捕集 710-910 PCC

117 IGCC-CCS, 干粉给料方式

142 IGCC-CCS, 水煤浆给料方式

152 Oxy fuel,

92 Efficiency comparisons with and without capture, neglecting transport and storage

0 5

10 15

20 25

30 35

40 45

50 PCC IGCC-CCS slurry IGCC-CCS dry Oxyf Technology Efficiency, % LHV With CCS PCC IGCC IGCC Oxyf -slurry -dry 发电效率的比较,考虑CO2捕集、忽略输运和存储

0 5

10 15

20 25

30 35

40 45

50 PCC IGCC-CCS slurry IGCC-CCS dry Oxyf Efficiency, % LHV 带有 CCS PCC IGCC IGCC Oxyf -水煤浆 -干粉 Contribution of industry technology segments to reduce CO2 emissions 工业技术部门对减少CO2排放的贡献 工业和转化CCS9% 发电CCS10% 核电6% 可再生能源21% 发电效率提高和燃料转换7% 终端用户燃料转化11% 终端用户电能效率12% 终端用户燃料效率24% 基准排放量:62 Gt 排放蓝图

14 Gt GHG global reductions in the power sector in

2030 C CCS significance 2030年全球温室气体在发电工业部门的减排 ――CCS的重要性 1.4 Gt 来自工业 2.3 Gt来自建筑 2002年 排放量 2002-2030年 排放量增长 2030年 排放量 减排需求量 (根据其他 工业部门的 减排量措施 获得) 净减排 需求量 可再生能源 ?风能 ?生物能 ?太阳能 核能 其他(煤 气化、现 有电厂效 率的提高 ) 2030年可 能排放水 平CCS projects worldwide Commercial scale and integrated projects : ? projects storing or proposing to store

1 Mtpa or greater of CO2 ? CCS projects that are integrated, that is, combines t........
