编辑: 向日葵8AS 2019-08-28



(三)会否按公众的期望,考虑自然公正的原则,就处理申述个案的时间设定上限?初稿Vapour recovery for petrol filling stations # (10) 何锺泰议员(书面答覆)《空气污染管制(油站)(汽体回收)规例》(第311章,附属法例S)已於去年3月31日生效,油公司须在其后的36个月内为下油站的每部加油机安装汽体回收系统( 回收系统 ), 以在加油时把汽车油缸排出的汽油汽体回收到油站的贮油缸,从而减少释放挥发性有机化合物到环境中.根灸10月的一项报道,全港280个油站当中,只有13%已安装回收系统.就此,政府可否告知本会:




若有,措施的详情?初稿Safety of sauna rooms in clubhouses of private buildings # (11) 曾钰成议员(书面答覆)关於有私人屋苑会所( 会所 )自设的桑拿房发生致命意外,政府可否告知本会:



(三)有否计划加强监管会所的桑拿房(例如定期巡查),以防止再次发生严重意外?初稿防止曾在香港被定罪的内地人士再次来港#(12) Hon Bernard CHAN (Written reply) The authorities have replied to this Council that a notification mechanism is set up between the Immigration Department and their mainland counterparts on information about mainland visitors convicted of criminal offences in Hong Kong so that these visitors may be scrutinised closely for their future applications for exit endorsement for Hong Kong. Will the Government inform this Council: (a) the number of such cases passed to the mainland authorities in the past year under the notification mechanism;

and (b) the total number of repeat offenders from mainland caught and convicted in Hong Kong and breakdown of categories of their crimes annually since the introduction of the Individual Visit Scheme? 初稿Short-term use of the West Kowloon reclaimed area # (13) 涂谨申议员(书面答覆) 西九文娱艺术区 发展计划暂时搁置后,政府将该用地改作短期用途,并已发展为海滨长廊公园,惟吸引力不大,前往的市民稀疏.本人得悉政府於本年中已增........
