编辑: bingyan8 2019-08-28
1 China Legal Requirements by BSCI Code Provision BSCI 行为准则要求 1.

The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 结社自由与集体谈判权 BSCI COC BSCI 行为准则 Most relevant National or Province law (where stricter than related national law) 相关程度最高的国家与各省法律(比相关国家法律严格) Business partners shall: (a) respect the right of workers to form unions in a free and democratic way;

(b) not discriminate against workers because of trade union membership and (c) respect workers'

right to bargain collectively. Business partners shall not prevent workers'

representatives from having access to workers in the workplace or from interacting with them. ? Copyright FTA

2014 BSCI Code of Conduct - Public Document V. 1/2014 5/9 When operating in countries where trade union activity is unlawful or where free and democratic trade union activity is not allowed, business partners shall respect this principle by allowing workers to freely elect their own representatives with whom the company can enter into dialogue about workplace issues. 商业伙伴必须:(a)尊重工人以自 由、民主的方式成立工会的权利;

(b)不因加入工会而歧视工人,且(c)尊重工人的集体谈判权. 商业伙伴不得阻止工人代表接触工作场 所中的工人,或阻止他们互动. 在将工会活动视为非法或不允许自由民 主工会活动的国家,商业伙伴必须尊重 这个原则,允许工人自由选出工人自己 的代表,让公司可就工作场所相关事宜 与被选出的工人代表进行对话. Per rule of trade Union Law of the People'

s Republic of China, article 3: All workers doing physical or mental work in enterprises within Chinese territory who earn their living primarily from wages shall have the right to participate in and form trade union organizations pursuant to the law, regardless of their nationality, race, sex, occupation, religious beliefs or level of education. 《中华人民共和国工会法》第三条:在中国境内的企业、事业单 位、机关中以工资收入为主要生活来源的体力劳动者和脑力劳动 者,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、宗教信仰、教育程度,都有依 法参加和组织工会的权利. Per rule of trade Union law of the People'

s Republic of China Article 38: When discussing major issues on operation, management and development, the enterprise or institution shall listen to the opinions of the trade union. The trade union in an enterprise or institution shall have its representative(s) attending any meetings held by the enterprise or institution to discuss matters on wages, welfare, occupational safety and health, social insurance and other questions related to the immediate interests of the workers and staff members. An enterprise or institution shall support the trade union in carrying out its activities in accordance with law, and the trade union shall support the enterprise or institution in exercising its power of operation and management in accordance with law. 《中华人民共和国工会法》第三十八条:企业、事业单位研究经营 管理和发展的重大问题应当听取工会的意见;

召开讨论有关工资、 福利、劳动安全卫生、社会保险等涉及职工切身利益的会议,必须 有工会代表参加. 企业、事业单位应当支持工会依法开展工作, 工会应当支持企业、事业单位依法行使经营管理权. Per rule of PRC Employment Law article 3: Labourers shall have the right to be employed on an equal basis, choose occupations, obtain remuneration for their labour, take rest, have holidays and leaves, obtain protection of occupational safety and health, receive training in a vocational skills, enjoy social insurance and welfare, and submit applications for settlement of labour disputes, and other rights related to labour as stipulated by law. 《中华人民共和国劳动法》第三条 劳动者享有平等就业和选择职 业的权利、取得劳动报酬的权利、休息休假的权利、获得劳动安全 卫生保护的权利、接受职业技能培训的权利、享受社会保险和福利 的权利、提请劳动争议处理的权利以及法律规定的其它劳动权利.
